New CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
the last pics were from yesterday, this is today, i dumped the bucket and have only PH water in there now, i dont know why this happened till i checked the tiger bloom bottle and it say add it every other time you fill the reservoir. So i hope this fixes the problem,


lee harvey

Well-Known Member
i had the same problem with droopiness.. i underwatered the hell out of my plants quite a few times.. gave them water and they perked back up every time..learned my lesson.. they drink that shit up like crazy once they get a little bigger..keep it up though bro lookin good mang


Well-Known Member
well im leaving tmrw for a week, i have a feeling like im goign to be coming home to a dead plant, im so scared to leave it when i dont know if the problem if fixed, UHG!!! how far away should i put the lights so they dont touch? like 7 inches away?


Active Member
things seem to be going good since my return, i took off the sog because i felt it had no use, here are some pics, the buds are becoming covered in pistols.
I was about to say.... Unless you started your scrog early on then you're wasting your time. You know that scrog means you weave it into the screen right? You actually have to train the plants growth in and out of the screen. I always laugh every time I see people who post pictures of "scrog" and it just shows their plant growing straight up through a screen. This is not how it works.

As for your plants: looking really good man. For a CFL grow you got a really nice bushy plant. Will check back.

bill johnson

Looks good, if you like the bud you should take some clones of it or reveg it a few times, basically make sure that you leave some of the leaves on it, (just dont cut it all the way to the stem) and put it into 24 hour light for two weeks, then just put it back into 12/12, because of the fat roots that are already there you will usually yield more than the first time around. ive seen people cycle like 5 times before they retire the plant. Im just saying because if you find a strain that is good under cfls (meaning it is a bushy mofo which this looks like it is) you should keep that strain alive, and add it to you medicine cabinet (what I call my mother box)


Active Member
i mainly did it for when i went out of town to keep the plant away from the lights
Fair enough. Just informing you because you did ask (a few pages back) if it was too late to start a scrog on your plant when it was 2 weeks into flowering. Scrog is a method of training and like most methods of training they need to be applied early on during vegging, not after the fact. I would definitely recommend giving it a shot your next grow if it's something that intrigues you though. Scrog + CFL is a match made in heaven in my opinion because the main battle of CFL is light placement and with scrog you will have an even flat canopy of growth so no CFL light is wasted. You also don't need to concern yourself with the lack of light penetration for thick canopies because you will eventually trim all the growth underneath the screen anyways. Win-win.