New CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Found a few seeds in some funk by my local dealer and decided to give it a go. So what i have is one plant that is about 3 weeks into veg. and 4 smaller plants that are in a humidity dome, they have about 3 sets of leaves, and will soon be transported into a aeroponic system. Im using CFL's in this closet grow. On the 4 small ones i have 4 26 watt 6500 K lights on them. With the big one, i have 4 26 watt 6500K ( 3 on the sides one on top) i used the fim technique with the big one and it now was about 6 main shoots. I hope its a female!!!!!!!! it has hair looking pistols growing out of it, but i cant tell really, they might just be small burnt growths lol, but they do look white (fingers crossed!). when i switch it out of veg and into flowering i have 2 CFL 's to do the job, both are 2700K one bulb is 65 watt CFL= 300 watt, and the other is 55 watt CFL= 200 watt. so im hoping for some nice nuggz. will post pics in a day or so.


Well-Known Member
its a form of either cheese, or AK, i dont remember cuz i got high and forgot what he said lol


Well-Known Member
So the plant has gotten taller and alot bushier from week 4 as you can see from the pics. I switched to 12/12 and the light spectrum down to 2700K, yet after a week, still no signs for sex. She must be shy. I have a whit board that i put over the top of the night stand i have it in so its 500 watts in a 1X2 ft. area, and a fan blowing from the bottom up, getting the little heat produced but these 2 bulbs out. Ill just keep waiting i guess. Im actually glad i put it into flowering early because this this has gotten sooo much bigger. I can only imagine in 4+ more weeks how big it will be. Post any info, or tips!



Well-Known Member
Just placed my order for seeds!!!! im so excited. Got 1 female Yumbolt-47, 1 female white widow, 1 female vanilla kush and 2 free female seeds. post any pointers about any of these strains that could be helpful! One love-Weed


Well-Known Member
thinking about going to lowes and grabbing 3 LED lights to go with my 2 CFL's, get 2 blue one red just to add some more light. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
still going 12/12 and no signs of pistols or balls, WTF, closet is light tight, i went in there with the light on in the room, closed the closet door and could NOT see my hand infront of my face, im starting to get concerned that im groing a plastic marijuana plant, and my girl is just gluing new leaves on it when im sleeping. its been 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
so like i said before, its a girl! pistols are starting to pop out all over, just added a scrog(is it to late for it, or is it perfect time?) i also have the lights hanging over the top of her instead of clipped to the sides, im going away for 5 days on saturday so i feel that the scrog or sog will keep the plants away from the lights while im gone, im nervous of the plants growing to being burnt by the lights. i just have to hang them like 8 inches above the plants, i hope that i enough space.

