New CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
lol same stuff I'm using, I've used it before to start plants and it works well, I didn't have the money to get some fox farms warrior seed starting mix, and had some of that Jiffy Organic Seed Starting sittin around... will transplant into bigger pots with fox farms ocean forest...

you plan on transplanting? or you just gonna use that soil start to finish?


Well-Known Member
what you gonna use for soil? FFOF? I'm hopin I'm gonna have the money to pick up some Fox Farms Ocean Forest and some seabird guano before its time to transplant if not just FFOF I hope lol... well good luck can't wait to see how it progresses


Day 12 pics...(more like Morning 13, but u kno...) Added a picture of the whole top of the pot so yall can get a feeling of how small it actually is...still worried things aren't moving along as quickly as they should be.



ok, have now started turning the central air to heat at night in order to keep the plant at 73 degrees instead of 65-68 or so


Well-Known Member
That 65-68 night time temps are whats prolly killin its growth speed. If it continues to happen, I'd suggest turning your day time mode at night so the hot temps of lights will counter act the cold, but switching to heat will prolly work well to.

The Steve

I don't think it's the temps. As long as it doens't drop below 60 you should be fine. Mine have gotten into the mid 60's at night and they're ok. Even if it's a really hot summer night temps get to the 60's. It is possible it's the strain. What was your soil ph? Are the roots growing well?


Can't see the roots, so I'm not sure if they are or aren't...and no pH meter yet. I boil the water and let it sit for 2-3 days before watering, also.


The strain is Super Lemon Haze - typically has a 9-10 week flowering period (maybe a longer veg period but doesn't specify)...It says it's a nice indica-sativa blend but pictures hint that it's sativa dominant...i've seen people who believe sativas generally take longer to grow, so maybe it is the strain. At least it's not bright yellow and dead like the last batch lmao.


Active Member
Patience is key in the growth of good medicine oh stuggz as long as the medicine grow... it allllllll good. :)

In other words it may be a slow grower but it grow thats the important part.

The Steve

The soil could have a bad PH. I got my PH tester from a local supermarket. It was only $5. My guess is the strain because from what I understand those do take awhile to grow. But I'm also a n00b at this so take it all with a grain of salt.


So it's been 2 weeks...and the little girl is only about 1" tall and 1.5" wide. It's a nice shade of light green, though, and doesn't look to be in terrible shape. Any thoughts?



Active Member
No clue bro... let it go a couple more days and if no more new growth develops I'd chaulk it up to a bunk seed or bunk soil. one of the two more than likely affected it to stunt it that early on.


Well-Known Member
I don't know though 2 weeks and only that amount of growth, could be PH out of wack and plant has nute lock.. just a thought


Well-Known Member
^ That soil.
I used that Jiffy Organic Seed Starting Jiffy-Mix soil. Day after seed sprouted top of soil I planted the Jiffy Cup (its a cup for seeds Jiffy makes, its designed to breakdown so you don't have to transplant) into a 6in clay pot with FFOF. On day 3 now and its growin good.. You can check it out link in my sig