New CFL Grow

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Whats your ETA for harvest??? If i remember correct your an indica right? My sativa is looking like she is goin to see 10 weeks? Your shit is looking nice though.....You gotta be if my memory holds......3 days into 9 weeks? Hope all is good.


Actually, I'm on day 59. All of my girls are indica's, yes. My ETA was originally March 5th. I was getting too confident on my trichs maturity rates, and was thinkin that harvest was actually going to be the end of THIS week! However, the trichs are very slow on their development. I am somewhere around 7% amber, 62% cloudy, and 31% clear. So, then end of this week is NOT likely!


Well-Known Member
LOL @ if the tips aint burned, you aint doing it right. I must be doing something right. You know, you and I have a strain that looks very identical. I know I shouldn't be harvesting for another 23 days, but I am getting OH SO ANTSY just to taste a bud here and there. I know, I know.....I've heard it all----"don't do it." But, did you?


Well-Known Member
Looking good :-) Nice honest CFL shots there too, going to be a good harvest.

I'm into the last 3 weeks of my first full CFL grow and have really enjoyed it. Its been fun all the tieing down and pulling round etc... I got sore knees from all the bending down in my cabinet! I've been growing with HPS for 10 years before trying this and I'm really impressed with what these bulbs can do. Everyone bangs on about yield but being able to get SO close to these bulbs is the key factor. I'm going to stick with them.

Look forward to your harvest pictures :-)


Well-Known Member
Hey where in the hell am I, Oh Im on RIU.JK Nice grow man!! Coming along nice!! Thanks for the rep you gave me on my thread btw:bigjoint:Have you looked at the trichs on the leaves yet?Or do you go by pistil color? The trichs can tell a different story about where the plant is at.My understanding is some strains dont neccesarily turn all red/brown hairs when there done.Indicas mainly.Ours were mostly cloudy with some amber when we took the 1st lady(Jane).We were looking at trichs on Mary(plant 2)tonite.On the bottom buds they were cloudy with some amber,and as you move towards the top there more clear.
Just curious of your method.Nice job with your ladies + rep my friend
I'll leave ya with a couple pics of sweet Mary.About another week or less for her.It'll be sad to see her go.we have no clones of her,only Jane.We might try the reveg after harvest weve heard about????:peace:
P.S.- This plant was grown with 10 cfl only.was 16" tall at start, shes 27" now


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Hey where in the hell am I, Oh Im on RIU.JK Nice grow man!! Coming along nice!! Thanks for the rep you gave me on my thread btw:bigjoint:Have you looked at the trichs on the leaves yet?Or do you go by pistil color? The trichs can tell a different story about where the plant is at.My understanding is some strains dont neccesarily turn all red/brown hairs when there done.Indicas mainly.Ours were mostly cloudy with some amber when we took the 1st lady(Jane).We were looking at trichs on Mary(plant 2)tonite.On the bottom buds they were cloudy with some amber,and as you move towards the top there more clear.
Just curious of your method.Nice job with your ladies + rep my friend
I'll leave ya with a couple pics of sweet Mary.About another week or less for her.It'll be sad to see her go.we have no clones of her,only Jane.We might try the reveg after harvest weve heard about????:peace:
P.S.- This plant was grown with 10 cfl only.was 16" tall at start, shes 27" now
Yeah, dude, I kinda spelled out EXACTLY where my trichomes were @ a few posts up.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
So, today 3 girls came down!:clap:
As anyone who has read my posts knows, I have been baffled by the trichomes speeding then slowing in their maturity. Looks like my Grape Ape's are 8 weeker's (as I was originally told)! Three of the 5 of the Ape's were pulled tonight, but I think the other 2 will need a couple more days, @ least! As fer the Urkel's, they look like they will take 9 weeks. Which is funny, 'cause I got the Urkel's 2 weeks b4 the Ape's, but they just ended up w/2 more weeks veg time!
The pics show each girl right b4 being cut, then the pic of the buds b4 being hung up to dry!
Total wet weight of first 3: 203.6 grams. I'm pretty happy w/that so far. Here's the weight of each plant in order shown:
39.9 grams; 65.5 grams; & 98.2 grams.



Well-Known Member
Okay got it bro, I actually thought tha was it. I posted a dumb question on your other thread, now reading this, LOL...


Well-Known Member
Eh ro, fuckin lookin sweet though man, I got another month and I should be good to go on my main biotch 1-2 pistols have change colors man. I really can't wait for my total yield. Whats really crazy is on my the purps plants the leaves are turning purple, but I dont think the uds will actually turn purpbe, but we will see. I will be satisfied with at least purple hair.... Both plants smell danky as heel though and I'm lovin it.

On my next grow I plan on vegging with 400 MH and flowering under 2 400 hps with sun agro lamps 430 hps with a hue of the blue spec.... 1 more month to go and 2 weeks to my next grow. It will consist of WW, hima gold, hindu kush and purple power....


Well-Known Member
Sweet Penny! I might be havin to hold off on my next indoor grow! Gotta find out if I'm goin to jail fer a hit and run
Fuck bro, is this your first offense? If it is they might let you off, unless you straight hit someone walking down the street dizzam.....

Where did they catch you at your pad? 1 of my homies hit another car and fled and they found him at there house e was locked up until his court hearing and then released. He did get a felony hit and run, but walked away with 2 weeks in county and 3 years probation and hella mad fines....:wall:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
nah, brah. I been doin time fer the last 20 years, did 10 years state time. Its a misdemeanor cause there was no injury. I got over 50 felony+misdemeanor convictions under my belt. I am no rookie, thats why I think I might get locked up fer this 1. I aint on parole no more, tho, so thats a + :clap:


Well-Known Member
Damn bro, you were on a role LOL. I got 2 felonies for gta and possesion of stolen property 1 1/2 years in YA and a misdameanor for aggravated assault 2 months in county. Even with all this I still managed to join the Army. My recruiters had to jimmy rig my papers and it took me 6 months just to get in LOL..... Man I had to write patesions, and get letters of reccomeddations from my college proffessor and previuos employers. All that shit was fuckin lame, and I still got out with money comin in every month LOL.....

Eh so with 50+ felonies and misdameanors how did you manage to get out of the 3 strikes laws??


Well-Known Member
Wow you guys are some brave dudes growing while on parole and shit.Well I hope neither of ya have to go to jail.
Nice harvest man! Im an idiot and totally missed your post on trichs! Duuhh
Its this good weed Im smokin':leaf: We were gonna cut some lower buds off Mary today but we decided to let her go a lil longer.Shes so pretty its hard to cut her.But shes not done.The buds are really fiilling in more than jane did. heres some pics from this morning:weed:



Well-Known Member
onenumcat said:
hahaha, I know what ya mean...cept I can't tell my mom n pop what I'm doin...I don't think they'd be so proud, LOL.:weed:
Those growers, who have children, can easilly change parent and children ralitonship.


Well-Known Member
Those growers, who have children, can easilly change parent and children ralitonship.
well, my mom smokes/did smoke, anyway, we've even gotten high together, lol. but my dad is pretty tight azzed, straight. neither of them would like me breaking the's 5-7 yrs prison for cultivation JP.:shock: