New CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
im going to see if i have any medals
I thought the same shit, but I guess the first +rep you get is one bar for the 2nd you need 100 points which you already have and so on and so forth. I am only like 30 points from my second bar.:leaf:

we both have the same medals if you look in your vbexperience.
those three medals are the most basic ones, I got em too, we all probably do. no biggie...


Well-Known Member
Hey Guy,

Thanks for the link, I started with CFLs in my cabinet but it got too hot. That was before I vented it outside though.
I always wondered if they would produce decent buds and you proved they will.

Good job. I have to admit when I first started reading your journal I thought for sure you were going to get a stronger light when you flowered. But you stuck with the CFLs

Thanks for all the pics too. It makes the grow journal much more interesting. Looks like you made it this time. Congrats, you don't have to pay for weed anymore. Its a great feeling isn't it?

Oh, by the way, keep an eye out for those spider mites. once you kill them with tobacco I don't think you will kill there eggs.
The eggs hatch in about two weeks.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Hey Guy,

Thanks for the link, I started with CFLs in my cabinet but it got too hot. That was before I vented it outside though.
I always wondered if they would produce decent buds and you proved they will.

Good job. I have to admit when I first started reading your journal I thought for sure you were going to get a stronger light when you flowered. But you stuck with the CFLs

Thanks for all the pics too. It makes the grow journal much more interesting. Looks like you made it this time. Congrats, you don't have to pay for weed anymore. Its a great feeling isn't it?

Oh, by the way, keep an eye out for those spider mites. once you kill them with tobacco I don't think you will kill there eggs.
The eggs hatch in about two weeks.
Thanks a lot fer the words of encouragement, as well as the advice! Ended up going w/a real insecticide fer the mites, BTW!:bigjoint:

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Damn, it really HAS been a while since I last updated! So, my girls are all doin great. My cam isnt NEARLY good enuf to get pics of the trichs under the scope. About 10% of the trichs are gettin cloudt on most of my girls. Looks like there's about 2 1/2 more weeks left on em all, so day before yesterday was the last feeding of nutes!
I'll post some more pics after the lights come on (in about 9 1/2 hours)

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Alrighty! Reckon I fuked up and uploaded all the pics on the wrong friggin thread:cuss:Oh well! I'll put a link on this.
Gave all my girls a good lookin @ tonight and I would be surprised to see them live past 2 more weeks:mrgreen:
I watered w/nutes a couple nights a go, and they are still fine. My next watering will be Clearex flushes, so I'm gonna wait til they're pretty dry first. Then It'll prob'ly only be 1-2 more waterings after that!


Well-Known Member
I did bro fuckin lookin sweet man, I can't wait until my girls have reached ther full potential as well. Dude you gotts to update on the smoke, flavour, high and all that good shit......


Well-Known Member
Damn bro I cant even smoke at the momemt but I can grow LOL. I will be able to smoke in another month and a half man.

I remember when you clones where babies man trip out...