New canadian to forum


Active Member
hey people. new to this site. hope i can be of some help. have a couple days of exp
im a federal exempt grower/ consumer. just made a move recently to new digs so ive been rebuilding what i do slowly as i can afford to.
for the moment im just in tents...i feel so crammed but better than nothing.
for the strain choices i have a few of my own on the go at the moment and more to be added anyday now. ill get to a journal shortly on here.

peace. cannabisworks


Active Member
im about west as you can get if you dont want to live on a here...where it actualy rarely snows in ...contrary to most


Active Member
sure once we send it from the
i went to a club there and was shocked they use stems and fan leaves as their food supplies. poor soles getting ripped off.


Well-Known Member
LOL. if you went to a "club" here

you walked into a place where they bent you over the counter, and fucked you up the ass
cause they carry absolute SHIT and charge 2-3 bills an oz, its just a bunch of self righteous hippies trying to legitimize their dealing...

the mainland is filled full of commercial weed. most of the High end stuff you see in vancouver... comes from the island....
can argue it if you like but ive seen proof of this first hand ;)


Active Member
and ive seen the opisite but im
yes i know clubs suck. i hate all of them equaly. nothing but a bunch of criminal dealers makin quick cash from us dying people. and is crap i agree. i went to meet ted that runs the hempology deal as a buddy of mine does lectures there now n then so wanted to see what the plasce was about is all. i dont use the clubs at all since ive been involved in medicine and see what realy goes on behind the counter,.

and good grows dont come from a specific area..or postal code. believe that or everyone has bad and good stuff. just need to know the right grower


Moderatrix of Journals
who cares? we live in BC and that makes us all SUPERSTARS (cannabis-wise). :lol:

oakley i used to live on that rock too! hence my undying hatred of bc ferries.... if they build a bridge i'd consider living there again.... but then if they built a bridge it would probably quickly become somewhere i wouldn't wanna live.... hella conundrum.


Active Member
ya not sure why the ego has already hit and its just my
realy all means nothing to me where or who stuff comes from.


Moderatrix of Journals
yeah, you gotta take the bad with the good.
i mean, i've seen some of the nicest master kush i've ever seen in the fraser valley, but they're also home to AN.... *shudders*

and i've seen some stellar product from The Big Rock, but then, they also have VISC.... nuff said.

the bad with the good. ;)

anyhoo, welcome to riu. it's nice to see more bc representin'.


Active Member
thank you. and apreciat that some still keep an open mind. and yes i agree visc has some nice stuff as well.
dont get me goin on advanced...did you see the newws where they are now involved in the surrey 6 slaying murder case and with once again importing cocaine t5o the states...bad monkeys. dont know why people would support organized criminals by buying their over prices stuff.

ive ran same cuts as another just down the road and saw 2 diff results. wonder if it had to do with our addies being had


Well-Known Member
as horrible as it is to say, AN does make some Very nice products / well made products.... but with that in mind, they water it down/dilute it so much that you can pretty much feed your plants right out of the bottle. then to top it off, those bottles are slapped with a 3 digit price tag :)


Active Member
food is fine. problem is his lies and over pricing. i have worked in the nutrient bizz a while and their food ellements are allt he same as others so i dont understand the extra cost...for his hummer? for the cocaine shipments? for the murders??


Well-Known Member
pretty sure hes following the motto of; your only worth what you charge, and if you charge the most in the industry, you "obviously" must be the best