i love it. my double filter is a bitch to clean. i'm trading mine in. fuckin' rip a fat one for me my friend. can't beat that price either. not in my town anyway. online WATERPIPE order here i come!
I about killed myself on the first rip. Haven't hit a bong in a loong time. LOL
Yea, thay have some other cool ones too. It is about 1.5 ft.; 4.2mm thick glass; 50 mm diameter.
Thing is awesome. Only thing is the colored bowl's stem isn't long enough to go down into the water in the first water filter. Hence it will only be a single filter.
Took almost 2 weeks from the day it was shipped. Haven't smoked the fire shit I got through it yet, only some middie shit.
Customs opened it up too. But I got everything I ordered.