New Beginnings for Massachussetts and I

My first partial month growing w/1000w, my electric bill went up. $100 from normal. Second month with 1000w + 200w cheapo cob, it went up $150 from normal. Third month I cut my wattage use in half with quality cobs. So at $75 a month savings it will pay for itself in about 11 months. Worth it.

Now I have to figure out how to sell my old equipment. 2 months use on anything maximum. Would rather keep it then get Pennies on the dollar at a hydro store. I really hate Craigslist but that may be my best option. Anyone used a better option in mass?
What exactly are you getting rid of?
Sigh, all the more reason they will want to put a kabash on growing. No tax revenue if you grow it yourself, other than sales tax on stuff you buy to grow.
Thinking outside the box(microbrewery for weed)- will be major supply and demand- farmers co-op-( which they have around here) where you put in time on your own grow on and overall support co-op- - I have the land/ and or the space to setup building and or outside grow- the storefront option is in July of next year- which will probably take another year to establish- as distributer/grower would have to meet all license permit fees(est. $15,000),meet requirements for security,building safety, background checks, Blah,Blah) Don't think it would be too hard to establish with the people we have here and small personal growers will still be doing their thing. Looking at AA quality in smaller batches compared to huge production facilities growing crap for dispensarys( no quality control)
I have both setups-GH ecogrower has both top feed and airstones- my bubblebuckets only have airstone- Top feed not really needed as long as you have taproot showing on Rapid Rooters before transferring to system- just gently place on top of 1" hydrotron base in net pot then add rest of hydrotron-, keep res full to bottom of net pot and airstone will bubble water and o2 to clay balls that have a wicking action- within a few days, roots will be in water( might need to top water until roots hit water- just need to maintain level( not easy after awhile, as My current ones are drinking 1 gal. per day per plant) Leave airpump on full, as more bubbles, more 02

So when plant baby has a root showing in the rooter you put it into the net pot with hydroton...and you want water all the way up touching net pot.. the clay balls will pull up the water. (check) now, as plant gets larger, do you keep water always at that same level, touching net pot or does the level of water need to go down exponentially as roots start to grow? Do you have one of those water level meters on side of your bucket, or do you eyeball it? I would love to find time to accept your offer to come over and see your setup. this weekend I am heading to the flower expo in boston, and no free time...
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Thinking outside the box(microbrewery for weed)- will be major supply and demand- farmers co-op-( which they have around here) where you put in time on your own grow on and overall support co-op- - I have the land/ and or the space to setup building and or outside grow- the storefront option is in July of next year- which will probably take another year to establish- as distributer/grower would have to meet all license permit fees(est. $15,000),meet requirements for security,building safety, background checks, Blah,Blah) Don't think it would be too hard to establish with the people we have here and small personal growers will still be doing their thing. Looking at AA quality in smaller batches compared to huge production facilities growing crap for dispensarys( no quality control)

I haven't seen any of the proposed regs for commercial grows. Does this fit in with the current framework? My understanding was that grows will be very restricted. I haven't heard anything about co-ops with small grows permitted.
So when plant baby has a root showing in the rooter you put it into the net pot with hydroton...and you want water all the way up and into net pot just a bit. the clay balls will pullup the water. (check) now, as plant gets larger, do you keep water always at that same level, touching net pot? do you want all the roots in water? or does the level of water need to go down any as roots start to grow?
I personally keep the water just touching the bottoms of the net pots till I get some roots into the water. Once I have roots dangling I generally run about 4-6 inches below the bottoms of the net pots. In my tote 20 gallons is about 4.5 inches below the bottoms and it works fine for me. I'm no pro but it seems to work for me.
I personally keep the water just touching the bottoms of the net pots till I get some roots into the water. Once I have roots dangling I generally run about 4-6 inches below the bottoms of the net pots. In my tote 20 gallons is about 4.5 inches below the bottoms and it works fine for me. I'm no pro but it seems to work for me.
thank you. wow, 20 gallons must be a lot to water change. do you do it every week? Do you have a pump to drain? I was thinking of just using (2) 5 gallon buckets. when time for water change, grab empty one, get water all Ph'd and nuted up etc... then just lift whole top and put her on top of new bucket. Like Kitty:
thank you. wow, 20 gallons must be a lot to water change. do you do it every week? Do you have a pump to drain? I was thinking of just using (2) 5 gallon buckets. when time for water change, grab empty one, get water all Ph'd and nuted up etc... then just lift whole top and put her on top of new bucket. Like Kitty:
Yep that will work as well. I have a line ran right into my garden. Just hook up the pump and all the nutrient water drains outside into the garden then when I disconnect the line I just blow it out to make sure nothing stays in and freezes. Works great and yes 20 gal is a lot considering my flood res is also 20 gallons. Draining is simple now....filling on the other hand is a pain as I have no water source in the basement yet.
The quick version of the law was to establish recreational( home grow laws) + commercial (storefronts- think BUDdies instead of Cumbies) and loosely defined Distribution but the commission will have to establish( which they are just getting established) all the areas , fees, requirements, etc Just don't want to get caught up to late- Need to get in at ground level before the 100,000SQ. Ft. warehouse BIG MONEY people take over ( compare Anheiser-Bush(huge). to Limited production micro-brewery.(small) There will be a need for both.
So when plant baby has a root showing in the rooter you put it into the net pot with hydroton...and you want water all the way up touching net pot.. the clay balls will pull up the water. (check) now, as plant gets larger, do you keep water always at that same level, touching net pot or does the level of water need to go down exponentially as roots start to grow? Do you have one of those water level meters on side of your bucket, or do you eyeball it? I would love to find time to accept your offer to come over and see your setup. this weekend I am heading to the flower expo in boston, and no free time...
Hey, Ma Water stays at bottom of net pot- The tubes are not worth it( scum out, can't read- I just eyeball- have meet setup for 28th . just pm me
Or Monsanto.

Or, closer to home, americann. Over 1 million sq feet of grow facility right here in mass. It will be the largest in the country. I highly doubt there will be room for a growpub in the regs after this....

It is written into the law that they can restrict new grow facilities if the supply exceeds demand. This one facility will exceed demand. It will be interesting how they end up writing the regs.

Not saying they will shut the doors completely, but I don't see them allowing coops unless the growers in the coop meet all requirements of a grow facility.

No matter, I'm not interested in selling.
That's been in the works for like 2 years. They put a rush on it when rec use went legal. It was originally intended for medical grows where they were planning to rent remaining space to licensed growers. It's intended to supply Ma and surrounding med use states as supply has been very lacking. I've been watching that for a long time now.

We know they're going to say that facility produces more than enough.
That's been in the works for like 2 years. They put a rush on it when rec use went legal. It was originally intended for medical grows where they were planning to rent remaining space to licensed growers. It's intended to supply Ma and surrounding med use states as supply has been very lacking. I've been watching that for a long time now.

We know they're going to say that facility produces more than enough.
And the corporate takeover of pot is complete.
basically states you cant sell that strain unless they say you can, and you got it from them?....umm wtf, this is where its come to huh, fighting over genetics? Its a plant...with a strain name stolen from another product, haha the hypocrisy!
Here is Auto WW Wilma day 32. How and when do I check for signs of flowering? Today she just looks....a little different. Little leaves and things everywhere. Hard to explain. (yeah, what a noob!)


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