Be4 what nice beautiful plants brother. What a difference between led and hydro set up compared to regs in soil. Mint. I plan to do hydro when I learn much more in the future also. Def need me some led ASAP too
Looks like you're doing good, and totally can relate to the newbie anxiety. With some experience and practice, you'll see what plants will tolerate and everything they can spring back from! Truly amazing living organisms to play with, watch grow, then reap the benefits from. I don't have dogs or cats, fish or reptiles- These are my pets!
Anyway, when you do decide to do hydro, I'd highly suggest trying coco out. It's the easiest hydro and the most forgiving in my opinion. It gives the ease of soil and the benefit of hydro. Granted, its different than soil but is what we suggest people start out with at the hydro store. Many less things that can go wrong compared to a bare-roots hydro set up simply because the issues are non-applicable.
I'm not sure if it was you, but when to clone came up i'm pretty sure on the thread. That depends. I like to let my plants first generation from seed to sex before I clone. A plant in veg will reveal it's sex by showing hairs or balls, this usually takes time though, as in around 2 months (depending on strain, some are faster). If you don't want to wait or have feminized seeds (which I don't do cloning of- too many experiences with hermaphroditic tendencies in flower after a few generations), you can do a solid topping of your plants to make clones. Instead of just taking the top node, you take a few nodes and the top 3 inches or so of the plant.
Last but not least, got a super banger product I suggest to you for veg. I'm not one to use many additives in veg, but I love Canna Rhizotonic. It is a root booster and the most aggressive and visually apparently working root booster I've ever used. I tried GH rapid start and saw no noticeable change, I've tried beneficial bacteria which I agree are good for the plant but are incomparable to the Rhizo. When I use this stuff on established plants, I see roots popping out the top of my coco looking for places to travel! I don't work for Canna, it's just a great product. No need to use it every time, I use it once every 3rd-5th watering or once a week (mind you, I'm in coco, so daily watering) depending on where i'm at. I don't use it in flower because I want the focus to be on bud development, but love it for veg. Seems spendy at around $80/L but only used in veg and every few waterings, it's worth every penny to me. If you can't afford it at one point, plants will get on just fine without it, it's just a great booster in the arsenal. They sell 250ml bottles if you want to try it on a single plant and make a decision from there too.
I also suggest HID lighting for flower. LED kicks butt in veg but covering a larger area with LED light sufficient for good bud development gets really pricey really fast. University of Utah did a cool study and produced a paper on different agricultural lighting and compared output to initial cost to electrical savings and concluded double ended lighting was the bees knees (if I remember correctly). Here it is, take what you will from it- I'm a nerd and love stuff like this. Truth is in the numbers! Best advice is think of what you have now and think of where you want to go. I was a grower who bought the 400w setup, then switched to 600w within 2 months, then went up to 1000w DE after 2 years. Needless to say, I could have saved just going with 1000w to begin with!
Not trying to over complicate, but you DID ask for advice, haha. I suggest too checking out pH and how it effects plants and nutrient uptake. By getting a soil pH tester or a liquid pH tester to check the runoff pH, you can fix deficiencies that are manifested from pH imbalances. So the nutes may be there, but your plant just cant use them because the pH is too high or low. You may know this already, it's just a common reason I've seen new guys fail or at least have problems. Granted soil is a pretty good buffer and maintains pretty solid and within good range most of the time, but I have myself run into soil getting out of range and making for sad mothers during the little bit of time I did soil mothers.
Have I talked your ear off yet? Haha
Good luck, have fun, be safe, and congrats on the recent legalization!