New batch of Ice and White Widow, going through flowering, week 1 thru finish


New Member
Wow... looking great, i think i need to get an active intake for some chunky nugs!!!
Yeah, that will help. I also run CO2 through week 4, and then use just the intake after that. I used to use CO2 for 6 weeks, but I find my plants have a stronger smell when it is just at 4 weeks. The CO2 enrichment certainly beefs it up a bit! Just allows for better respiration by the plants, I suppose.


Active Member
^^^ Wow me likey! That stuff is all frosty and pointy with trichs! What's the smell like right now? Also looking forward to a smoke report. =)


New Member
^^^ Wow me likey! That stuff is all frosty and pointy with trichs! What's the smell like right now? Also looking forward to a smoke report. =)
The white widow has a kind of musty smell to it, until you grind it, then it sweetens up quite a bit. The smoke is super smooth and sweet, even without a good cure yet. These are all clones of the same pheno for White Widow, and the smoke is certainly couchlock stuff. This is more home/night time medicine for my patients, but awful fun high if you can keep your eyes open after the first hit. Hahaha.

My patients tell me that my smoke is noticeably better because of my attention to the cure. I take a lot of pride in putting out a fantastic final product. If it is not fantastic, people usually do not see it......... Thankfully, Big Bud and Mazar X Afghan are the only two plants I was unsatisfied with the final product on.

Now, Ice, is the other strain I have going. Ice tends to have a sweet, almost grapey smell to it, and sometimes ranges in the cat piss pheno, too. The smoke is always hard hitting right behind the eyes (I find this still hits me hard, and I have grown it for almost 2 years now), and seems to be an up high. With my Ice, I try to harvest with all cloudy, very little amber. I have found that I like it for day smoking that way, and many have said it is great for active days like kayaking and hiking........a couple of friends claimed it made them The smoke is always sweet, and often has a very skunky smell after exhale. The type of smell that brings me back to the dorms, when you knew someone was smoking the dank.....haha.

Thanks for the interest, BBC! You the man!


New Member
Thanks to all that have checked out my thread! I appreciate all the input and kind words! I will be creating another thread to cover some of the new girls, including Ice, Ice Anomaly, White Rhino, Wonder Woman, Snow White, Master Kush, and Blueberry Widow. This grow has been a lot of fun, and the smoke is great! I am really enjoying getting to try out all of these strains, and know they are all organically grown, with a nice, long flush and cure! Send me friend requests, anyone that wants to keep up! I am always looking for new pics, techniques, etc to try out! Until next time, seeeeeyaaa!


New Member
Just got my Reserva Privada! OG Kush and Headband! Cannot wait to get these girls going!

And some free seeds, too! Thanks, Attitude!


hey,if it not to much to ask,but how do you go about your cure,i havent had alot of luck with curing,my final product all ways end up with no smell at all


New Member
hey,if it not to much to ask,but how do you go about your cure,i havent had alot of luck with curing,my final product all ways end up with no smell at all
I don't think I do anything too special, but here goes.

I trim, then hang my stuff upside down on drying lines, doing that with some light air circulation. Try to keep the humidity between 20-60 percent and heat around 60-80. I hang upside down until the outside of the buds feels crusty (dry). At this point, my stems do not snap, they are not THAT dry. I will then snip my buds from the stems and do a little extra trimming, and at this point I feel out if they are dry enough to go into the jars, or if they need to go into a larger tupperware container to dry a little longer. Once in the jars, I start by taking the tops off the jars every 4-6 hours and allowing all the humid air to dissipate and leave the jar, so at the beginning, I leave the jar open for a few hours. As time goes on, there is less moisture, and so I do not really have to keep the jars open all that long, just let the moisture escape. After about 1 week, to even a few months of this, you will usually have a good cure.

I have noticed that some bud does not have as much smell. I also reduced my CO2 during flowering from 6 weeks down to 4 weeks, and I got better aroma from my bud, and still retained the yield I wanted.

Like I said, I am sure you have heard this all before, so good luck. Add me on the friends list if you want to keep up!


that pretty much how i do except i put them in the jar when the stem snap,maybe that what going wrong,the smell come out after u break down the buds


New Member
sorry to hi jack ya thread but thank for the info
Not hijacking at all, dude! Anyways, I think you are right, maybe try pulling before the stems snap. They need to dry gradually, have you checked your humidity while drying? Also, I think that by trimming off the stems, and trimming some more leaf, it seems to release the smell, and then you close it up in the jar to soak it all Just my lame theory as to why the smell may increase with this......


New Member
Congrats! If I had the $ those would be two of my top picks too! Can't wait to see this stuff, especially the O.G.! =)
I will be posting a journal from seed to bud when I get those started. I will probably wait a couple months for that, but I do have the new group of ladies going, and they are looking good!


New Member
where are your pics
pics on page six and before....I have another grow finishing right now, with 7 strains. You should check it out, there should be a link in my signature below. The one with wonder woman, master kush, etc. Great amount of pics, and at week 8 right now. Thanks for the interest!