New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

that animal cookies and fire og bx3 from bc bud depot? if so be careful with those beans and pop backups. all those crosses sound dank. shits looking good in flower! ill be popping more in like a month soon as i can get these grapes sexed.
ya bc depo see my cousin usto own elevation wellness in hollywood and told me about the honey spot as soon as i seen they had seed i drove down thier well they cut the camras and stole all their seeds and weed and all they left was those two seeds mabe because they suck look at the honeyspot weedmaps menu or thier own lil web page but they got hit and got wiped out so i guess thats all i also drove down for clones but no luck they change around all the time its hard to get a good set of clones let alone seeds..
yea thats why they didnt take the bc depot, cant give em away. when u pop em just have backup ready. maybe pop a half of those and half some other breeder. i havent read much on those 2 but other strains theres so many horror stories. that crazy they got stuck up for seeds! not a bad idea lol
i will greenghost420 the moment i get some cheese i want you to breed with me gee i want to share it with you.. for the moment im not shure if my prayers are answered or if the evil side of slave work is upon me but for the moment i feel like this
my friend flew back from new york to pull me out of my depresion and i will build i sead i would never build again but i help design this place it will be one of the best desighns i ever worked on ill document all my steps.. shit i thought i was gona have to blow my brains out no lie...008.JPGI hate remodles with a passion thier was a tyme that the actual doctors that owned the hospitals that usto look for my sorry ass i will muster up all i have in me and pimp this new genetical library and top flower and colabs with other big names its gona make the news just stay tuned..009.JPG
its still to early but your eyes have no idea whats in store as for the display cases their is no such thing on google and no cabnet guys want to take on the job i have to trave to my old stomping growns in arizona to have special fabricated glass and ow i cant wait to blow you away with what i cant spell but easaly translate my defect from birth i stand out always have and always will......
hell yea homie shit sounds crazy if no one wants to try to build it lol i just got offered a nice space for the winter to grow so i cant wait! that miracle dog shit is awesome.
not happy with this last run! 1st run theyre nice lil somewhat dense nugs. this time head to toe fluff. fire no doubt! every where i bust up looks like a line of sniff. people loving it though! i got few buds ill get pics of