New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

What's up bro I just came back myself. Becoming a little less paranoid as legality draws near. Much like yourself I stay in mostly during the winter can make mega bit stir c crazy lol. But I am going to start breeding myself. Sets is in the mail. First up will be some autos in preperation for spring. Buddha seeds purple kush and delicious seeds auto blue. Do you use sts? I am trying to figure when to spray the plant in veg or first week of flower?
Sts typing on the phone changed it sorry. I am reading lots of conflicting info. Some claiming to use it more than once. Some say just once few days before flower. Also getting different strengths. But I don't know how to read the strength I imagine they aren't talking .2 ppm maybe .2 ec?
well its not hard at all i think the breaders come under fake names to tell you the truth i think.. any how it's easy it realy is... the herm ratio isnt as bad as everyone thinks i think these next few years people are gona start to realize it's not that hard, and a keeper anyone can find.. its easy... im gona have to follow both you guys!! and check your progress...
Alright man I appreciate it let me run the plan by you. I'm going to mix .7 silver nitrate with 500 ml distilled water. Then 2.5 g sodium thiosulfate with 500 ml of water. Now here's where everything I read conflicts most say to mix this base in a 7 : 1 ratio with distilled water. I'm running autos this round in prep for outdoor season. I will take 1 purple kush auto and spray it once about day 25 since this is when this strain switches to flower. I will then segregate it and collect the pollen. I will have two females that are two weeks younger to allow time for me to pollen ate and bring seeds to ripe. Do you believe this will work well. I've read I may need to make the sts stronger or spray multiple times.
Spray about a few days before the switch to flower I'm not familiar with the ppm method you fave the seria mist doesn't always work n it can take all of flower till u see pollen I 6 empty bottle my best for shure method is the silver spray it really works. But instead of misting it I garbed a small paint brush dipped it in the silver spay and painted the branches I wanted n it did just that.. The reason I did that is I was to lazy to cut the fan off its just hard to get too.. So instead off spraying I started brushing it got more on we're the sead it needed it but if your out side I would spray away my next purchase will be a nitrogen vac sealer so I can puserve the pollen up until my hair turns gray and even further than that...
YOr PM full Mr popular....hope you don't mind me posting here.What's up bro feel free to check out my YouTube channel. I just dropped about a rack on attitude over the year. But mostly on one grow which I didn't make clones of because I'm still on ------ so a bit scared lol. But I'm on minimum now so alls well. Time to go big because we vote this year for recreational. And I need my money straight so I can start a coffee shop. Everyone thinks I'm crazy but fucc em no risk no reward. Problem is bro we have no access to prized cali clones. So I'm faced with finding breeders that have good crosses. I really want seeds from elites that are selfed or inbred. Trying to get ----- strains running sog before the end of the year. Up here these guys just make shit up and I'm looking to change that. I am looking for gsc banana kush blue dream green cracc just to name a few. I definitely am willing to trade some genetics first seeds should be available at the end of this grow. Purple kush auto inbred and purple kush x northern blue. I saw a video on YouTube Seattle of the Yoda kush this actually bred by you? That's awesome bro If that dude stole it just remember he didn't make so he doesn't have the skill to make another. You do though!
no i didnt make the yoda lolz i actualy used a yoda og clone to make my best strain everyone loves it to bad i posted it as ewok i didnt know the other skilled and talented breeder had already used the name so i havent grown it they say its supper stoney up thier with the white fire og and i like to say raskal is hated on alot man but he is in my book very good and great genetics.. and an honor to even come close.. swerve got a great selection just his busness skill arent all thier with the public and he pist me off when i have a medical non profit licence i ask for his been and he sead yes at a hole sale and never got back to me but i just think in all honesty he is just to bussy and that led me to this breeding thing dude dont get discuraged its not hard who care about all these breeders that are master minds lolz its not brain surgery or quantom phisics shit i tissue cultured with over the counter products and i dont see anyone of them even doing such a thing im telling you its not hard and fuck the hype find your keepers i got so far that yoda og x alien sky walker og fire!!! Albert walker og not the ewok its the owners from pogressive options cross..i got the forum cut x so cal tripple platnuim male, master platnuim og x to so cals tripple platnuim, i got moster cookies x gdp platnuim cookies i got pink lemonade x to gdp plantuim cookies, sugar cookies og, the big black, quang og, some good as fire og's two diffrent ones, king kong is king lui x gorilla silver back, i just crossed buba rockstar with fire og and i to tell you the truth got to many what i am finding out is on a fresh batch of seeds you cant get any hick ups in your grow or they will herm from stress some wont but to be shure if their stable make shure you dont stress them if they make it, you can see how far they will resit stress i love to force feed my girls they put on the weight.. but dont trip ill begin to fem these seeds and send you the king lui the x111 and a shit load of keepers my brothers live in dodge city kansan the mid west and when they come visit they say they wish they could take some home nothing like the variety but i got a shit load of crosses and pollen stored up... it will become addicting i am as far as i know it the get the topest dollar in this side of the valley and i usto in los angles when i see haters or other breeders coming on trying to hate man let it be gee... its not that fucken hard at all its easy and the few breeders i did meet the laughed and smerked and sead IT REAL EASY... so dont get discouraged some of these guys act like they got street cred and some act like they just got out of Harvard, Yale or Princeton.. its all about were you get your genetics from and how good they are!!!! thats realy it and if they can be mixed with others and hold potency and structures it to easy man ... for realz..!!!!!
im sorry those were watched video's but still if you need a regiemin for water products hit me up i got one of the best formulas i made myself over the last 6 years.. for realz if you ask hydro stores form palmsprings up into long beach i been in those fuckers used about everthing they got and all kinds of shit that works and doesnt work...
Fucc yeah you can pm me your nutes regimine I will run a side by side . Because honestly that's where I've been slacking. I tend not to believe in all the extra shit tho. Just npk but I've been using Lucas formula forever. It works but I realize I need to tailor the npk to each strain and different times. I would love to get some Louis I was actually just thinking about a cross with champagne and Louis could call it Remy martin lol I got some others in my head but I'm a stay quiet till I have it in my hand. Yeah I've used to think these breeders were made but I am starting to see its 90% marketing lol. As you know Alaska doesn't have mids lol. I would like to be in a cup but honestly just living off my crop legally is all I want. I been to the Penn and college so I got the best of both worlds.
im sorry those were watched video's but still if you need a regiemin for water products hit me up i got one of the best formulas i made myself over the last 6 years.. for realz if you ask hydro stores form palmsprings up into long beach i been in those fuckers used about everthing they got and all kinds of shit that works and doesnt work...
waddup thumpr been a min
what up 3 xpress lolz ya its been a minute how you doing in in chicago man how did your crop come out did you save those babies out thier?? on that farm did they come out okay???
what up 3 xpress lolz ya its been a minute how you doing in in chicago man how did your crop come out did you save those babies out thier?? on that farm did they come out okay???

its fucking like neg. 32 here!!! lol lots of snow... it sux.... those 9 outdoor plants I was able to save came out fire...
ima have to search tonight shit i didnt sleep again last night i just woke up fuck i hate meds they make me really crazzy its bad already im fucken weird but on that shit i wake up droggy or moodie just dont want to take them...