New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

im hear relapse im drinking the presure of life got me thinking do i want to grow or do i want to suck someones dick????? fuck man i pritty much scared of relying on some other idiot that like me mental, riding bitch isnt my style, more drama for your moma 103.JPGso im just hear looking at the new genetix as i leave and turn to this surmen thats got me pined down, i love to build for myself or my family or grow for those that truely know dank!! the last of this is up... first up the white obomamore drama for your moma 092.JPGand yes those are side branches as big as the main cola and yes one plant beefy, if you know me i go for yield and dankness, ima miss this bitch,more drama for your moma 088.JPGmy quang og, not to much am i gona miss this one but a better yeilding og, still special, remember week 6 going into 7 and yes they wont let you down,more drama for your moma 100.JPGgogi fire og and the tripple platnuim purple on the left of her more drama for your moma 090.JPGallthe fire buba rockstars were stable and supper frosty some short and supper frosty some long and supper frosty smells so sweet those extract artist are on a mission wishing on this one.. more drama for your moma 098.JPGmy yoda alien dog skywalker will be missed awell,
white fire alien dog skywalker up next, i love aroe i wish i had blasted these in aroe but the confusion of thiefs in my garden that i had mis labled everything but once grown i know what is what more drama for your moma 099.JPG
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more drama for your moma 085.JPG this is sour faced alien x dr who the coco i got had something amended to it that made my ph 7.+ and i couldnt wash it out wont go thier again ever, but the plant itself outdid every one galon pot testers more drama for your moma 071.JPG one of the fire buba rock star phenoes i cant believe it resembles the oboma kush if you are thinking of breeding please do it, dont let anyone choose your phenoe, you be the boss of your own plants and what you like its not rocket science its the best thing ever and dont be afraid of pollen its not bad at all... good luck and see ya when i see ya.. And if your a breeder that outsourses your test beens you suck big balls, finish your job!! test your own shit, dont leave the project half done.. finish what you started and dont take the short cut!!! be a man of your word and do it and finish it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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View attachment 3476260 this is sour faced alien x dr who the coco i got had something amended to it that made my ph 7.+ and i couldnt wash it out wont go thier again ever, but the plant itself outdid every one galon pot testers View attachment 3476263 one of the fire buba rock star phenoes i cant believe it resembles the oboma kush if you are thinking of breeding please do it, dont let anyone choose your phenoe, you be the boss of your own plants and what you like its not rocket science its the best thing ever and dont be afraid of pollen its not bad at all... good luck and see ya when i see ya.. And if your a breeder that outsourses your test beens you suck big balls, finish your job!! test your own shit, dont leave the project half done.. finish what you started and dont take the short cut!!! be a man of your word and do it and finish it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lookin nice thump!!
purple chees cake x albert walker
orange alien cookiesx alien dog skywalker og
hucklberry x albert walker
vader og x albert walker
skywalker x albert walker
king triton x albert walker
cherry pie x albert walker
cherry pie x death widow
hazzy cookies x death widow
Ghost stomper og x death widow
Ghost stomper og x albert walker
How's it going thump? Ima get in contact beginning of Sept!!!
well just hear cracked a bunch killed alot, my coco wasnt keeping its ph??? new to coco again but it came out okay id like to say havent tried alot but the cotton candy space queen bomb, oboma fire bomb, huckle berry by its self roll it up strain bomb, cherry pie bomb, orange alien cookies bomb albert cookies bomb, fire buba rock star was the best of all i got so manny i lost track last grow just finishing her up ill be on vaction for a few years ;) im pritty much happy on this hole caper.. it was fun and crazzy feest or famin.... lolzphenoe hunt 010.JPG but the buba rock star was the best of all great one all phenoes turned out amazing..phenoe hunt 038.JPGnothing out of the ordinary but that one the woody was great james by the way and the oboma fire was as well but nothing short of any thing crazzy just another grow ;) is all good luck guys happy breedings..
Ill be posting my last pics of this round my last round i broke down everything ill be contracting in the area it is official but what even better is that i got some nice stuff to post later tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way that laboof cat visited us lolz no lie i got pics but he said dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i wont but the dudes a trip!!!!!!!!!!!
shai is crazy! sadly i think this round of thums mix is all males, as well as my cookies x bubba :sad: be collecting pollen for a joint cross ;) got one more lil vial of the mix...:D if all goes well, ill be visiting in a few months. cant wait to check out the shop if thats cool....:D
shai is crazy! sadly i think this round of thums mix is all males, as well as my cookies x bubba :sad: be collecting pollen for a joint cross ;) got one more lil vial of the mix...:D if all goes well, ill be visiting in a few months. cant wait to check out the shop if thats cool....:D
sorry dude testers if you got that xxx platnuim gsc male x to the white ow my god!!!!! or the hazzy og x to the xxx gsc man... if you got those males gold for shure!!! i got so many seeds i got offerd a few grand my partner is trying for another shop i cant handle it anymore its to much but the work i put into the seeds thier is a price on it i realy had a belly full of garbage.. my grow wasnt financed properly and alot of time went into it no trays no veg room i just aint gona build another place up i place the right people in it i could have placed others but my heart wasnt in the grow it was in the simple fact that i could test and crack the seeds all i love to help the new seeds the new genetix see the light i financed out of my pocket alot of it for the simple plesure of testing them, im sorry test seeds i dont like to give them out untill i test them myself, I wasnt properly placed the way it was supose to go down its not anyones fault but im burnt out..... yes celebrities pop in from time to time lolz trip cuz we straight in the ghetto, lolz crazzy right anyway so they did offer me a few grand for them i got a supper shit load of crosses, and they believe its worth it. for me i lost a lot trying to figuer it out if you only knew how easy it is it is so easy its way to easy.. but one thing is for shure I ONLY PLAY WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!!! SO ANY CROSS SHORT FROM A HERM IS GONA BE FIRE!!!!!! ;)2bda79cd04981e3fccecbe610cb28383.png IM SO SORRY GEE IF THAT WAS THE CASE I HOPE YOU PLANED IT OUT.... LIKE I SEAD TEST BEANS...i was wishing you got these insteadcbe5724b808c2c89ccc2e802b526c563.png
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yo, stop apologizing!! that first shit, that thumps guava was fire!!! id grow em again in a heart beat even if i got 50 for 50 males. ill be collecting sperm and putting out a ghost x thump. thats cool with you?
i wont be thier but i got my last entry in for the cavi test do i have my hopes up not really im shure it will place.. i got a meeting tonight to sell my genetics stock to friends im flipping houses these days i stop in from time to time
time to put it on pilot for a while i still saved about 40 thousand seeds of my best stock i will be spreading them like Johny thumper seed ever place i visit
relaps from time to time lost information sections i should have wrote it down but i rather not, mislabled genetics i rather not. pests, or morons, ??? i rather not my time is best spent smilling :)