new at this PLEASE HELP!!!!


Active Member
I'm new at this butt i saved one plant and have two new plantsdoing great from what ive read on this site. So thanks to eeryone that has enough time to fiqure this out. ive read on here that to help the plant you putt dry ice in the water? How mutch do you put in and how often? Ive allso herd that if you mist the plants it helps. Is this true? one more thing i was wondering about is sitting down and smoking a jay with your plants it helps? all help is mutch appreciated....


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi Grape

1. dry ice is not neccessary.. do not put it in your water,,,if you want, you can put a block in your room when the lights are on and it will provide C02 for your plants

2. no need to mist your plants

3. smoking around your plants is NOT recommended... especially if you are using "air" lines or hoses to supplement your water with o2... this can clog your lines with tar and change the pH of your water..


picture please :)


Well-Known Member
Smoking isn't good but talking to them is. Tell them that you love them, blow them a kiss. They love when humans are around them you will definitely see a difference in 1 day!