new at this dont no what kind of plant this is????

No problem! I love people who have the desire to grow their own and not support the black market! Strange how this is only showing up in the pics, maybe the flash is acting like a CSI black light and picking up something for you in the early stages (I watch way too much TV I know ha ha). Either way you want to take care of it. If it doesn't spread to the other plants you are still running a HUGE risk that it will get to the buds and ruin them. Even if you were able to salvage some the idea of smoking or vaping mold spores is less than desirable... Good luck friend!


Well-Known Member
If you really know only that much, I should ask, what light schedule are they on? (how many hours of light a day do they get?)
Solve the mildew problem, wait till they're finished, smoke em up ;) good luck.


i read that 1 part baking powder and 9 parts water kills it or add one ts of dish sope to help it stick to the plant. anyone no if it works?
i think that would be the savest way too do it..


If you really know only that much, I should ask, what light schedule are they on? (how many hours of light a day do they get?)
Solve the mildew problem, wait till they're finished, smoke em up ;) good luck.
im on a 12/12 is that good thats what iv beed told to do?


No problem! I love people who have the desire to grow their own and not support the black market! Strange how this is only showing up in the pics, maybe the flash is acting like a CSI black light and picking up something for you in the early stages (I watch way too much TV I know ha ha). Either way you want to take care of it. If it doesn't spread to the other plants you are still running a HUGE risk that it will get to the buds and ruin them. Even if you were able to salvage some the idea of smoking or vaping mold spores is less than desirable... Good luck friend!
thanks for the help and im on it to fix the prob :-?


Well-Known Member
You're growing two things: Cannabis and Powdery Mildew. See those little white patches on the smaller plant? You'd better do something about that or it's gonna spread to the other plant and eventually fuck up your grow.
I had never heard of that. Thanks for the info. You sure the plant in the pic has it? (you've got better eyes than me lol)


Well-Known Member
so what works the best milk and water or baking powder and water?

any help is good help
I've never heard of using baking powder, but the milk doesn't work unless it's unpasteurized.

I use a product called Serenade. But bear in mind that it's a continual process of treating them regularly to keep the PM at bay. It won't just vanish with one spraying. And if you're gonna treat your plants by foliar spraying, make sure to do it shortly before lights off.


well the ts of baking soda and ts of soft soap to 1 gallon of water seems to be working. theres little to none PM on her now ill put up a pic later to show.
ill see what it looks like in a day or two
Fantastic! Great news! I'm thinking it started at your buddies house when he was growing them so I wouldn't be overly concerned about future outbreaks with new plants, but certainly keep your eye out for it. Just got home from work and man did I need something good to come from today ha ha! Very happy for you!


thank you for all the help..
but still have it in diff room just to be sure..
its looking good so im hoping for the best :weed: