new at growing, am i doing this right??


New Member
Damn well i guess thats another reason your broke. Let me know when the feds call about your megawatt hours. i dont even rip my bong with tap water.
Tell you what little fella. Go learn how to count first, OK. Till then, go give your bad grow advice to some other forum and stop giving it out here.
shoulda guessed ANOTHER reason your broke.

i looked in the form for "Over the Top Tap Water Diesel Gen Grow" but couldnt find it. can you point me in the right direction. :hump:


New Member
shoulda guessed ANOTHER reason your broke.

i looked in the form for "Over the Top Tap Water Diesel Gen Grow" but couldnt find it. can you point me in the right direction. :hump:
Does being as stupid as you come naturally, or do you have to work at it? I'm in the TN. mountains on my own land backed up to my own mountain almost a mile from the nearest road little fella. You seriously are an full blown idiot.


Well-Known Member
Does being as stupid as you come naturally, or do you have to work at it? I'm in the TN. mountains on my own land backed up to my own mountain almost a mile from the nearest road little fella. You seriously are an full blown idiot.
"AN fulll blown idiot"? LOL WTF?! I guess thats gramatically acceptable in the mountains huh?

Who the fuck would actually use tap water when anybody who has seen the news lately can tell you how many toxic chemicals and impurities in it?

You keep bringing up the fact that NoSeeds misread the post and miscounted the hours because you really cant think of anything decently clever to say you stupid mountain man

So go have fun with your ill-fed, environmentally unsound grow.


Active Member
Hey broke and wise, Your an idiot and your not the Ghandi of growing so dont act like you know everything. And do your math right 4-9 off thats 5 hours. 9-4 thats 19 hours. NoSeeds was right you tard.


Well-Known Member
dude go buy some fox farm nutes with some either black gold or fox farm soil make sure is organic. are you still vegging? and if so you should be at about 18/6 which is 18 hours of light a day and I would suggest in investing in a hps grow light 250 watt myabe a 400 watt


Well-Known Member
hey bhc my suggestion to you is to read up...and go about growing in your own way...hey you can even try different stuff that half of rollitup wont agree with...but read this site is filled with useful info...but as you can see every mofo got at different way of doing everything....REMEMBER ITS JUST A will grow pretty easy...dont listen to all the so called pros here...just read