New Apartment


So I'm moving into a new studio apt this fall for school. How would one go about finding out if smoking in this apt would be a good idea?


Well-Known Member
I used to blow smoke into the fridge...didn't now if it got rid of the smell or not but my wife never said (she smokes now so it's all good)


Well-Known Member
I smoked all the time in my apartment with no problems. Is it a non smoking apartment complex? If you can smoke cigarettes you can probably smoke pot without much to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Just put some fabric softener sheets in a toilet paper tube, and blow the smoke through that. Comes out smelling like clean laundry :)

We used to do it all the time at my friends old apartment, worked great. Innovation :)


Well-Known Member
I don't mind a little pot in the house but I usually go outside to smoke. I like fresh air and I don't like my house smelling like smoke.


The problem with smoking outside is I couldn't take my new SG bong outside. But the place does allow smoking inside just have to cover any damages such as yellow walls and lingering smell. Bud doesn't have that problem as much as cigs to my knowledge so I should be good.


Well-Known Member
well, smoke inside cuz you have yer card and it doesnt matter what everyone else says, fuck em! otherwise yer not suppose to hit agree on this site so yer a naughty boy or girl if you don't have yer card! lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So I'm moving into a new studio apt this fall for school. How would one go about finding out if smoking in this apt would be a good idea?
By reading your contract ahnd seeing if it's permitted :D I've found that unlike tobacco, you can air the weed smell out of a building fairly easily.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I used to work in the apartment industry...if you can smoke ciggs inside then ur good. do it in the bathroom if you have a vent fan. most apartments vent bath rooms to the attic or the roof so no smell issues. make sure you cram a towel under the gap in the door.


Active Member
Niiice :) We call em' "sploof's" of "blowies"
Where I am at we always call them doob tubes.
And to the op, just smoke the bong in the bathroom. No smell with the fan on, and your apartment wont smell like bud. I have a buddy who hits his nice bong in the bathroom and its pretty easy to do.


Well-Known Member
Where I am at we always call them doob tubes.
And to the op, just smoke the bong in the bathroom. No smell with the fan on, and your apartment wont smell like bud. I have a buddy who hits his nice bong in the bathroom and its pretty easy to do.
Some apartments dont have individual air exhaust, they could be connected somewhere down the line. i know i wont smell shit outside the bathroom door but id def smell weed, so the smell could travel into other apartment units. find out