New Apartment Discrmination?!?!


So I have just recently moved into a new apartment complex from my old apartments. In my old apartments I never had any problem medicating, but in these new ones I encountered something that made me feel like I was gonna have to break the law to medicate even with my card. When I was signing the lease everything was fine until we came to a page where she said this is the about the new Marijuana Law and how it affects us. This is the point when my heart sank.. Ill include a picture of the page I saw. So basically I am not even allowed to posses my mmj, and I saw the same thing going down in Tucson from a post off the Hydrobreed forums. Here is the link to that video.


Any body have any experience with this? Am I breaking the law even with my card? Obviously I know federally but can they really kick me out for it??


Well-Known Member
That's some bs! I haven't heard of that happening here in MI. My landlord was cool with it but I'm not in an apartment building. As long as there isn't a hardcore smell or something coming from your apt then they can't do shit. Did you tell them you are a patient?


Active Member
According to AMMA they simply cannot discriminate against you. If smoking is banned all together - cigarettes, cigars etc. that is one thing, but you would still legally be able to have your allowable amount and medicate through other means. The law is very clear with regard to this.


New Member
JJ is correct. If your lease specifically designates sanctions solely against medical marijuana and leaves out cigarettes, the lease is unenforceable. Any restrictions against posessing marijuana at your "home" is also a serve violation of a patient renters rights land lord tenant act.. Medical marijuana should be looked at like any other scripted medicine in these situations. Potentially you have the right to walk away from a discriminatory situation in any real estate situation w/o recourse and you are actually expected to report the discrimination to the appropriate departments. Vacating the property would probably end up in civil court but the patient would most likely have the upper hand IMO.
Fuck the federal jargon garbage because a case like this would never make it to the federal level...


Well-Known Member
You gave out your last leg to stand on when you signed that garbage. Before signing you should have disclosed the fact that you are a patient. This should be done after they approve you and before you sign anything. If they approve your application then you tell them you are a patient and if they try and refuse you then you have a pretty strong case of a violation of the provisions of the amma.


Well-Known Member
Mmj is slightly different than prescription medication because of the CSA. That's why that document was based on it for legal standing. The provision in the amma does state that a landlord may refuse an mmj patient on mmj solely if they are at risk of losing federal benefits or protections I believe. Izmir sure this phrase in the law is the linch pin of their position and legal argument .


Well-Known Member
Signing is the issue here and it has already been done. Best bet is to medicate as inconspicuous as possible while looking for new accommodations.



Well-Known Member
So I have just recently moved into a new apartment complex from my old apartments. In my old apartments I never had any problem medicating, but in these new ones I encountered something that made me feel like I was gonna have to break the law to medicate even with my card. When I was signing the lease everything was fine until we came to a page where she said this is the about the new Marijuana Law and how it affects us. This is the point when my heart sank.. Ill include a picture of the page I saw. So basically I am not even allowed to posses my mmj, and I saw the same thing going down in Tucson from a post off the Hydrobreed forums. Here is the link to that video.

View attachment 2396383

Any body have any experience with this? Am I breaking the law even with my card? Obviously I know federally but can they really kick me out for it??

i'm assuming you were in a position where you had to sign it? i would have bailed. how hard can it be to find an apartment?

getting busted is one thing. getting busted and kicked out of your home "immediately" is a whole different thing.

as far as can they do it. yep. i used to write contracts for a living. you signed it. it clearly stated their policy. it may or may not be allowable as az law allows the use of pot.

would it stand up in court? maybe not, but who is going to spend the 10s of thousands of dollars to find out?


Well-Known Member
just wait until the federal prosecutors start targeting dispensery landlords in arizona like they have in california and other places. thats when you know the fed law trumps the state law every time.
looks like your gonna have to start using a vaporizer lol. you could get an air purifier/ionizer to help with smell a little bit. i've lived in apartments that are sketchy to medicate in. just ended up medicating only in my bedroom with an ozone generator on for a few minutes. it's definitely not good to sit in a room for extended periods of time with the ozone generator on, but it will make all the particles/smoke drop out of the air.


Active Member
I know a couple of people who just put a carbon filter in the room they want to smoke in, and they turn it on while smoking and the air just cycles in the room so it doesnt smell and no need to vent it outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I have an air purifier tower thing I got from Costco it cleans the air and that includes smoke.

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Should have never signed that. Now that you did, don't bitch about it. Buy an Arizer Solo Vape and enjoy life. I have used in in restaurants and no one smelled a thing. Keep it under level 4.


Well-Known Member
looks like your gonna have to start using a vaporizer lol. you could get an air purifier/ionizer to help with smell a little bit. i've lived in apartments that are sketchy to medicate in. just ended up medicating only in my bedroom with an ozone generator on for a few minutes. it's definitely not good to sit in a room for extended periods of time with the ozone generator on, but it will make all the particles/smoke drop out of the air.
i have a filter in my grow room but i put 3 fabreeze plug ins throughout the house. they work very well at hiding the good stuff.