New and wondering what you guys think so far.


Looks like seedlings. Not sure what else to tell you.
Fair enough. Does the taller one look like it is doing okay? It's older than the other, by a few days, had a break in the stem early on, and I believe wet and compact soil issues too. All have been fixed, but will she pull through, ya think?


Well-Known Member
Looks fine to me. But plenty of ways left to fuck up for a new grower. Just enjoy the process, keep learning, and don't give up. You're at mile 1 of a marathon, the real race starts at mile 20! Good luck!


Thanks Bugeye, I appreciate it! Patience seems to be the key. Just super excited with a, so far, mostly successful early stage. Will probably start a journal if they make it a little further.


Well-Known Member
I have completely neutral feelings about your two seedlings. They look fine. There is nothing exceptional about them, but they appear to be healthy. They might be a little small, they might be tall. I am neither impressed by them nor am I at all disappointed.

I am like Switzerland on a fence when it comes to my opinions on your duo of plant normalcy.


Edit to clarify that I did smoke a bowl of Green Crack right before I wrote that.

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