New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Just beef tacos for a rainy day, one in the middle just vanished after this photo.
I could taste it, just don't remeber chewing but it was gone.
They are burning nice and slow now, belly feels warm :cool:
Now my beer is disappearing too!
,View attachment 5128605
rain and snow here today too. i picked up some Popeye's chicken (spicy of course). hadn't had it in probably a year.
Looking for a new expressOh! Machine and this review is a classic. I can totally picture this person. Too funny.

I regret getting the Bambino

It is absolutely infuriating that the machine forces you into a cleaning cycle without any way of overriding this. Just this morning, I filled the filter basket with coffee only for the machine to go into a cleaning cycle, without warning, after I ran a quick rinse cycle. If you are getting ready to go to work in the morning, who has time to run a cleaning cycle? I can't believe it doesn't allow me to prepare my coffee.
Mothers Day meal for the lady. New York steak, baked potato, canned beans from the garden, caramelized onions.

My version of the Egg McMuffin.

I made the English Muffins and the sausage is a breakfast sausage I ground and seasoned. A little sprinkling of some shredded cheese on both sides. I followed that up with an apple and banana washing everything down with a cup of decaffeinated green tea. I'm a big believer in eating breakfast. I need real food. I can't make it on caffeine and sugar. A donut and coffee isn't cutting it. Plus I quit caffeine years ago.
