New Aerogarden GrowJounal **First Timer**


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback sicc! great to finally hear some confirmation lol Surrey i didnt have to the pro200 comes with empty foam


Active Member
Looking Good mate this journal is giving me some great tips and ideas!!

Just a couple of questions. I'm going to add a pump and some tubing with mini holes for the bubbles and line this around the base of the AG res. Am I right in thinking that once the roots are long enough and reach the water that this pump will no longer be required?

Also My closet is 52" high inside. With the room the AG base will take up plus hood ( which I'm going to hang on chains to get maximum height) How much room do you think I'll have for flowering? And with that in mind what height should I let them grow to before starting flowering?




Well-Known Member
yeah pic three is def. A male u see the lilttle round balls forming .. U should really think about getting rid of of unless u wanna give it more time .. But I doubt it.. The other two look good or if u can get pix of the hairy nodes so we can see a Lil better


Well-Known Member
ok i will for sure,

"Looking Good mate this journal is giving me some great tips and ideas!!

Just a couple of questions. I'm going to add a pump and some tubing with mini holes for the bubbles and line this around the base of the AG res. Am I right in thinking that once the roots are long enough and reach the water that this pump will no longer be required?

Also My closet is 52" high inside. With the room the AG base will take up plus hood ( which I'm going to hang on chains to get maximum height) How much room do you think I'll have for flowering? And with that in mind what height should I let them grow to before starting flowering?


Keep in mind that the plants will double or triple in size when flowering is induced.. i based my flowering off of that. and i still use the air pump from time to time even tho the roots are in the water. 52" should be plenty as long as you have decent ventilation / humidity control.

"have a quick question when your second set of 2 leaves came in did the first set tend 2 drop" kinda sorta they did on one plant and took a bit longer to on the others, if hardly at all.


Well-Known Member
with the plant on the right the top node has hairs but the 2nd node has a ballish figure.. could that be just the site the hairs are going to come out of or herm?? :\

the plant on the back left looks more like the fem i know i have on the right but with no hairs atm that i can see.

new pics INC soon for feedback, thanks guys! im gonna chop the male tonight.

If you look at pic 1 above you'll notice 4 white hairs on the top node and a small tiny ball on the 2nd node.


Well-Known Member
ya i relized what was up with this i forgot 2 plug in my intake fan and it was gettin a lol over 81 so it started 2 sag a lil my babbies like it at 71-75 during light ;P and 62-65 light off


Well-Known Member
They dont necesarally need to drop they jus kind keep growing and jus getting bigger/ fatter ... They should kinda be like reaching for the sky.. But if u see them yellowing or damaged I think u should pluck it or else the plant tries to recover it self and send lots of energy to it instead of all over the plant.. Plus the inner nodes grow a lil faster


Well-Known Member
no nothing is wrong with them growing perfect it got a lil hot looked it up in the faq they where just trying 2 preserve the water they had in thier leaves so they moved down slightly cought it just in time no burn no nothing i had forgot 2 add my intake 2 my timer but now everythhing is workin good it grew a nother half inch on the first set of fan leaves last night

its 1 week old today


Well-Known Member
by the second week was thier at least 1 node lol im trying 2 think when the eairliest i can start 2 flower is i have just about the second set of leaves fully in they just are filling out now

today is day seven or start of week2 how ever you concider it

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
** praying for atleast 1 full fem.. ** im really worried that i have a herm / male / fem
What do you mean when you say herm ? I have 3 plants going right now, and one of them i think i had the light too close to the plant so it was burning it. The other 2 are going good, but I hope this other one pulls through.:weed: