New Aerogarden Grow what do ya think???


Active Member
The video of my grow!!!

Hey This is My Aerogarden grow. Going pretty sweet the lemon skunks are monsters 2 weeks from seed the the white widow 3 weeks (the 1small plant)..... I've recently just moved it into the wardrope and added the 2 125W CFL's 2700K flowering.... Figure the normal bulbs in my aerogarden will still keep a good spectrum range.... Prob start flowering in 3 weeks..... Going to mylar the whole inside and get a fan.... Big airstone already n there.... Just using the usual aerogarden tabs at the min.... Gonna think about getting prober nutes when i go into flowering....

I've followed " Lurkmasters " AeroGarden Guide/FAQ v 2.0 as if it was the bible! And followed Stonerwii's youtube vids coz they are legends!

Prob my next steps are Low Stress Training the two bigger lemon skunks, mylar, fan and Max Power stickers

Guys any tips or think anything i'm doing wrong let me know~!



Active Member
Hey just to update..... Here is my lemon skunks 3-4weeks..... You'll see i've Mylar'ed the place up like a pimps bedroom! Just a few questions if anyone could answer!

How much longer would it be roughly until i start a 12/12 flowering cycle and the big delema.... I've got 4 plants.... Am i pushing the aerogarden too much? Should i dump one or two of the plants now??



Well-Known Member
ok, first off, again, COVER THOSE DAMN GROW SPONGES :peace: :mrgreen:

second, i would look into some extra CFL's you wont be able to flower 2 plants with just the AG lights, they will just about triple in size during flowering, so calculate that into hw much space you have to grow, you pH seems a lil off as well, i would start adding nute tabs if you havent, 1/4 a week, and work your way up, follow that link as well man, alot of great info, good lucc


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2494452]ok, first off, again, COVER THOSE DAMN GROW SPONGES :peace: :mrgreen:

second, i would look into some extra CFL's you wont be able to flower 2 plants with just the AG lights, they will just about triple in size during flowering, so calculate that into hw much space you have to grow, you pH seems a lil off as well, i would start adding nute tabs if you havent, 1/4 a week, and work your way up, follow that link as well man, alot of great info, good lucc[/quote]

Thanks for the reply man! Yes dude i'll listen lol the grow sponges will be covered just need to find something else to cover them with! I've actually got 2 big 300W CFL's (just not in the last pics check the first ones) roughly about 12000 lumens.... Think it should be plenty.... Been following the aerogarden guide i've been throwing in 1 whole AG tablet per week... N they seem fine... And have bought some hydro flowering complex for the flowering stage ( gonna follow the instructions to the letter ) Just wondering what makes you think the pH is off? Sitting at 5.8 constantly, i am getting a few dead leaves at the bottom but the plants look generally really healthy! Dude thanks very much for your help your a legend and big up to all the subscribers from youtube! P.S Man lovin' the Afro and dude i understand your pain i work for collections i just wish fookers would pay their fookin bills! lol Peace



And man any guesstimations on how much longer to veg? ( got plenty of height in the wardrope! ) and should i get rid of any plants before they get any bigger?? (all fems apart from one maybe)


Well-Known Member
haha yea collections is a bitch, but hey, it pays the bills, plus im high at work all day :lol:

well i was saying the pH was off because of the yellowing, but it could just be a slight nute burn, they will be fine. Those CFL's should do great haha, those things are huge!

as for vegging, they will triple in size during flowering, so you just calculate that into how much space you have to grow, but like you said, you have plenty, so its really when ever you want to switch to 12/12. But obviously, the longer you veg, the better yeild, mine only vegged for 3 weeks and a day, wish i did another week, but its all good, i was in a hurry for buds haha. And yea, jus remove any males, you want all the ladies you can get man, so i would wait will after you switch to 12/12, thats when they show there sex, they wont show during 18/6.


Active Member
Hey here's a quick update to my grow! 4-5 weeks in.... Expected it to be ready to flower quicker but i did'nt have the massive CFL's all the way prob start flowering in 2 weeks..... Big spliffs in a couple of months hopefully! :joint::joint::joint::joint:



Well-Known Member
there lookin good man, you really need t cover up those grow sponges or you can promote mold to grow


Active Member
[quote="SICC";2521789]there lookin good man, you really need t cover up those grow sponges or you can promote mold to grow[/quote]

Thanks man! Yeah shit forgot about the sponges.... But a stoner forgeting about something is as natural as the wind!


Well-Known Member
they will just about triple in size, so just calculate that into how much room you have, they look great, i'd say you can flower now if you want, or veg them a lil longer
theyre looking good mate id suggest some refective material at the front ur little one there seems to be struggling for light here are my ones at 3 weeks
and id suggest some form of bracing to the back one the stem seems a little warped for the weight that it will gain
and u need to cover them holes or as the roots go everywhere u will get root bleaching from the non covered holes keep us posted but mate good luck


Active Member
got a quick question...i've been reading this post and I also have an Aerogarden. How do you control the Aerogarden timing system? it was a gift from my buddy so i don't have the manual! Im only growing two in mine they are getting big!


Active Member
i have seen 2 four foot plants just going to flower in the depends on the size of the root mass u have to how tall u could go.the res in the ag is only about 4 litres,but seems to hold 2 five foot plants safely.hydroponic roots need alot less room due to they are constantly in water and have no need to search.


Active Member
got a quick question...i've been reading this post and I also have an Aerogarden. How do you control the Aerogarden timing system? it was a gift from my buddy so i don't have the manual! Im only growing two in mine they are getting big!

Hey dude! Easy enough to start off if you set your aerogarden to tomatoes it'll run on for 16hrs and off for 8.... Which is great for veg.... But what i do which is much better

Check out this guide for the figure 8 cord (goes in the hood of the AG) because i use extra cfls having a separate power cord to run everything in sync is a must ( 4 plug adapter & time switch ) Also use that guide for the most of the things you need to know.... n BTW the figure 8 power cord is pretty common on most electricals like a old ps2... labtop... or what ever.... i got mine off ebay....

Hope this helps dude good luck with the grow n see if you can put up some pictures!


Shockedcookie :peace::peace::peace::peace:


Active Member
Hey Roll it up~!

Here's a quick youtube video of my grow.....

I've had this grow going for ages! Since April 10th..... Reason why its taken so long coz i went to Amsterdam last month and let the GF take care of the them..... Came back from the Dam to almost dead plants coz the GF messed up the ph..... My babies have been practically sitting in acid! PH3.4....!! Woman FFS! lol

Anyways i'm back the plants are doing great! I Got BUD! The GF killing them has set me back about a month. But sure check out these pics n tell me what you think

Peace :peace::peace::peace::peace:

