New Aerogarden Grow Needing Help (2-3 weeks in)


Active Member
First I'd like to thank those of you who are reading this. I'm not the type of person to ask questions or how-tos for just about anything. Most problems that I come across I like to research and find the answers to through other sources. Unfortunately I've come at a problem that I can't seem to solve by researching here or google etc. Around 2-3 weeks ago I started my first Aerogarden grow determined to prove to myself that I could in fact grow for personal use. I obtained an Aerogarden pro200, Airstone and Pump, Master seed Kit, a pack of 10 Bubblegum Seeds, and a PH kit. Everything from the start seemed to be going smoothly following directions and the Aerogarden guide stickied on this bored. That is until about a week ago. Yellow spots began to appear on old and new leaves which quickly turned brown, then finally the leaves became tough and crumbly. I went over everything that I could see on this board nute burn seemed plausible as thats how its mainly described but I had not given the plants any nutrients yet. After another day I finally figured out that the PH had somehow risen to around 8.2. That had to be it. I changed the water brought the PH down to 5.5-6.0 and finally added a small nutrient tablet. By the next morning new growth was a vibrantly colored and a darker green than I seen the entire growth so far. I breathed a sigh of relief as things seemed to be back on track.... Til the next day. The new growth suddenly started the same actions or worse as the freshest tiny leaves were already light brown in color. I checked the PH again and to my dismay the PH had again risen to about 8.0. Flushed all water and adjusted PH no nutes this time. The next morning.. 8.0 again and there has been no improvements in the plant. So, my problem appears to be a wild fluctuation in the PH of my rez water. Nothing I have tried seems to correct the problem and I fear all my plants are dying. So, I come to you. The only last detail I have is that 1 single pod is being occupied by a tiny poppy plant that was planted at the same tiny that although growing slowly has never once changed colors or shown any signs of deficiency... until yesterday :wall: I apologize in being so long winded but I feel like providing all details I have the best solutions can be bounced back. Any help will be appreciated and thanks in advanced

Also, I'm waiting for my camera to charge to provide pics just incase the physical signs can tell you more.


Active Member
just started growing in my aerogarden deluxe. used commercial and local seed. plants have sprouted as you can see in my pics. i am following the basic aerogarden directions. i am using the nutes that came with the system. so far so good. i am a bit concerned about stretching. have you had that problem? what problems should i expect?


Active Member
Hey! Try using distilled water and hydroponic nutrients like Foxfarm's Grow Big.
if the plants are young, use at 1/4 strength.
Also watch the temps! Keep lights close but not too close.
Make sure the plants get plent of fresh air and keep your reservoir topped up!
Hope this helps.


Active Member
futuristicdevil - As I learned by browsing around these boards taking off the aerogarden hood and suspending it above the plants should do fine for the stretching but I must ask that you start your own thread next time as it takes away from the purpose of my thread.

Anyway I uploaded a few photos to see if anything could be told by them



Active Member
Also check to see that water is flowing to the roots. Sometimes the 2 contacts in the back can get corroded and cut power to the water pump. I lost some basil because of that. RIP basil.


Active Member
im running into the same problems. after doing a little research i learned that it was most likly from to much nutriants and it said that the best was to solve the problem is to change the water and find a better nutriant. i just changed the water a couple hours ago and i have yet to put in the nutriants that it came with. im hoping that some how that it would balance it out but i dont no. im going to get diffrent nutiants tomorrow so hopefully that will work.