New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!


Well I just got the AF 36 system, worried about my nutes, I used to use Bloom A and Bloom B with Ginormous when I used pots and soil for my grow's. I'm worried for the salts and slime , don't want to clog the sprayer and I really don't want shit growing in my res, can someone lay out what they would recommend for my 40 gal res? I would be very grateful.

Edit: I'd like to add I searched quite a bit on the site and found thousands of different opinions, and amounts. Which can I mix with which? My buddy dumped a bunch of shit in his trashcan to pump in his pots and magically has tree's 5 weeks in so I know you can mix and match but i'm afraid of aero, broke, and don't want to fuck up.


Well-Known Member
WELLYEAH- hey well... I have all GH nutes.. they are reliable and pretty simple.. Just follow the directions on the bottles. They tell you when and how much. Knowing the signs of what your plants like and dont helps too... Always start light because you can always add more! Stay away from things like rooting cubes in an aero. IMHO that is what clogs the lines more than anything. After every crop, clean your system using a bio clean (GH) or comparable that will clean any buildup you have as well as bacteria etc. That will keep you from having to replace the lines. This is also my first grow with the aero system but I did 6 months of homework and research before I switched from my little soil grows. I also have a few friends that help me out ;)


Well-Known Member
This guy posts a link for his grow.. that is on a different forum AND doesnt even comment on my grow.. the nerve of some people.. :) *cough* *cough* freeze600cc *cough*


This guy posts a link for his grow.. that is on a different forum AND doesnt even comment on my grow.. the nerve of some people.. :) *cough* *cough* freeze600cc *cough*
Dude just keep reading! I dnt know how to edit that first post but my thread is full of pictures of my grow.


Well-Known Member
Wellyeah- as far as the water changing... I am a fan of changing the water once a week.. some people do it less, some people more... I think every changes the water at some point though.. The flora series by GH is what I have. I have micro, gro and bloom. Everyone that I have talked to loves the series.. GH nutes also get a lot of good feedback from Hydro shops in my area. Before you buy, make sure you shop around. That is definitely not the best price! :) Let me know if you have any other questions!


Well-Known Member
I personally like the GH flora series. i have had no problems with it once i figured out how much my plants need. i think i paid $13 for each small bottle. i am goin to try fox farms when i run out of gh nutes just to see if there is a difference. i took some pics of my bagseed plant and posted them a little bit ago. my flowers are startin to slowly fatten up. :)


Well-Known Member
I have to say ONE NICE SETUP
I have a question but please do not take it spent all that time and money on your setup but why did you by the Ford Focus of nutrients,I can think of four brands that would really compliment your setup.
Bloom(yellow bottle from australia)
Humbolt nutz
and my fav AN conni

I have grown with GH it does the job but nothing impressive and nothing in return that you cannot double with another brand

Looks great BTW


Well-Known Member
Thanks johnny. The only reason I went with GH is because I have used it in the past and was comfortable with it. Also, no one suggested those to me with my set-up. Thanks for lettin me know!! I have some homework to do :)


Thanks johnny. The only reason I went with GH is because I have used it in the past and was comfortable with it. Also, no one suggested those to me with my set-up. Thanks for lettin me know!! I have some homework to do :)
No not really. GH is fine, i've seen it produce fantastic stuff.


I'm using Botanicare Organic line, grow and bloom. Cal-Mag. Sweet Grape, and KoolBloom. I'll be sure to update how it works out in the similiar setup. Make sure to flower early, I waited and my roots are already in my res. 1 week into flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm using Botanicare Organic line, grow and bloom. Cal-Mag. Sweet Grape, and KoolBloom. I'll be sure to update how it works out in the similiar setup. Make sure to flower early, I waited and my roots are already in my res. 1 week into flowering.
Botana...Def. a better product.Yes just do a little research and you decide Hell if your still happy with HG as I have seen some growers,Do it up will still be good no doubt but my experience with it for 2yrs and several grows within the two year,all I was doing was recommending something for the nice HotRod setup you have(it will run alright on 87 octane but it required 91)


Well-Known Member
Botana...Def. a better product.Yes just do a little research and you decide Hell if your still happy with HG as I have seen some growers,Do it up will still be good no doubt but my experience with it for 2yrs and several grows within the two year,all I was doing was recommending something for the nice HotRod setup you have(it will run alright on 87 octane but it required 91)
Good way to put it


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for all the help!! I only have a little bit of GH left so maybe I will refuel with something different!

Brandon-- I put them up 2 days ago like I promised! Ill take some more in a little bit and will post them later today!! I think that they are almost ready for the aeroflo.. the roots are getting soo long

Freeze- def let me know how they work! they could be my next product!