New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
Total rip from the 600 lololol
Joz, I'll get to ya... might not be tonight though ~~~ serry :-(

Came across a tripod, messing with my cannon powershot a 530... not the best cam but is pretty simple for someone to use that knows next to nothing about cameras lol you can see the shots get a little better as I go, the last one is nice and Id been dicking around with it long enough and thought it was a good one to quit on.
I started messing with the shutter speed thingy and dimming the lights.... romantic.

this is some Sour D Iv been hanging onto for almost nine months now

Just noticed the seed looking thing lol

Same sour d cut, but it was harvested a few months ago... yummy in my lungy

The young D on the left and old D on the right

And my last shot, now my desktop, its the young D
yea i feel ya on that,sour d is some fine smoke..
the best that i have smoked,that tasted like its name,was whodats cut,im telling ya,
real connoisseur smoke.

this is what it DEW!!!LOL

i really do not think i would leave that room.
Wow many props Who I know that SourD has got to be crazy at nine months haha dam I really do have a hard enuff time tryna get myself to commit to smokeing the 3week cured nuggz lolzlolz dam. I'm doing a bunch of SourD hybrids rite now everything that D touches is gold man.
Anyway just thought id pop in and get my nugg and grow fix.! Much grow love man ur quickly becomeing one of my newest heros lolzlolz.
Had to bump those crazy SNOW covered tops again damn. Looks like a bunch of peaks I just wanna take my snowboard out n hit those slope.
Alrite man peace. Time to go clean up again!
Oh yea do u have any pix of the SourD before chop?


Well-Known Member
f&*k what they lookin you now,thats what i bang in my burban,aww good times.
Hehe IDK, seemed appropriate :bigjoint:
Where does your cut come from for Sour D? Is it AJ's Cut (East Coast Sour Diesel)? Or was it originally from seed?
Some cut floating around, Im not sure of its lineage.
Nice Sour D whodat Im very disappointed in meself
Ha ha, ur good bro :lol: shes still around ;-)[video=youtube;CGnXL0lX44w][/video]
Pure Old School.
nice :-)


Well-Known Member

edit: good song, bunk sound on the link.


Well-Known Member
Niice! Well since its been a minute thought id double post my pix up in this thread too.:blsmoke:
Gettin the 600 was the best thing I could have done no doubt! Can't wait till next round when things are all nice and dialed in. These are all SourD hybrids all I'm gonna do them niice justice promise!Still got 3 and 4 weeks left on some of them but I'm completely happy rite now lolz.
Anyway enjoy its my 6 hundy ladies! BTW y'all got some funky good music ur throwin up in here thanks for the links.
What do u know about GangStarr, Eric surmon,Kieth murray,TheWu that's what I grew up on list is too long?
Lolz alrite then peace and keep it EZ 600 mile High Club.


Well-Known Member
left-to right.
Blackrussian main cola, papaya side branch, lower Black russian nug.
thats what ive been messin with and have to wait for :)
edit: the attached file is papaya.

