New 2012 Martial Law Bill In America


Undercover Mod
I want the United States to deploy our troops nationally. I say get rid of DHS and replace with military personal. IT would save us money and make it easier for the U.S. to defend its self instead of deploying all over the face of the Earth.


Well-Known Member
1mill is just the beginning there not stupid they know exactly how to manage it all out there already training the marines to control all gang violence inLAwith all the SOUTHERN HISPANIC SURENOS BLOODS AND CRIPS there gonna put all them scum bags in check check out youtube
Doesn't sound so bad when you put it that way.


Well-Known Member
the sad part is its true, only wealthy ppl will ever be able to run for office, and only wealthy ppl will be able to endorse these candidates, and it seems to me the more money one candidate has being pumped in to there campaign, is a deciding factor on there on there chance of winning, and as ppl drop outta the race, the companies once endorcing those ppl , jump on board with the new popular candidate, and endorse them, regardless of if they agree with that person, or their statements. its all about dollars, not what is right or appropriate to run a country, turn on any political show, it looks like a buncha middle schoolers , no 3rd graders arguing, middle schoolers are much more mature. all they do is bitch about how the apposing party is wrong, and there right, and neither will put there ignorance aside for one second to listen to what the other has to say. its all dumb bullshit and i dnt get involved in it, and i dnt vote, let ppl say things about me for it idc, i hate big gov't and how they intervine in ppls life, just look at ur paycheck next time u get it for, a small example, how much money is taken out and given to federal and state organizations, and why. who are these ppl u give money to, what services are they providing u, we sure as shit nvr see there faces, let alone have a very good idea who they are, but we keep paying them money. i see it as "legal" robbery. i mean wtf, theres a buncha shit on paper, sumthing easily disposable, that says u need to do this, if not, we come to ur house take ur belongings and and money,but its ok, cuz its "legal" and on paper. and sumthing on paper, can easily be destroyed, and only memories will reside, but a mans word means nothing anymore. heres a fucke dexample as well, srry u got me on a rant, my sister was an EMT. she was going to school, just bought a house, had a good life going and gettin started. as part of her job requirement she needed a flu shot, she didnt want to get one, but had to. in the next day or 2 after, she calls my mom saying she cant feel her legs, soon she cant feel her arms, and is having difficulty moving them , within the week she's in a coma lasting over 2 months, and waking up to be paralyzed from the waste down, all from a very rare but severe reaction to the flu shot. shes been in a lawsuit with the company that makes the flu shot, guess what no record she ever had the shot, or even worked as an EMT for that company. so its not on paper and it didnt happen, regardless of the ppl who worked beside her and could clearly state it did in fact happen. things gotta change, bc a stone on a downward slope wont go up, meaning things are only gonna get worse. so have these talks amongst friends, get the info out there so ppl know, and can have tlks with others, and these things can be brought to ppls attention. i am hopeful that things will change though, not in a short amount of time, but ppl are tlking and the truth about our untrustworthy shady govt, hiding behind the curtains, is coming out, and i believe a revolution is among us in the coming generations.

It would help if you used some paragraphs and capitalization. Also, what bill are we referencing in this thread?


New Member
the sad part is its true, only wealthy ppl will ever be able to run for office, and only wealthy ppl will be able to endorse these candidates, and it seems to me the more money one candidate has being pumped in to there campaign, is a deciding factor on there on there chance of winning, and as ppl drop outta the race, the companies once endorcing those ppl , jump on board with the new popular candidate, and endorse them, regardless of if they agree with that person, or their statements. its all about dollars, not what is right or appropriate to run a country, turn on any political show, it looks like a buncha middle schoolers , no 3rd graders arguing, middle schoolers are much more mature. all they do is bitch about how the apposing party is wrong, and there right, and neither will put there ignorance aside for one second to listen to what the other has to say. its all dumb bullshit and i dnt get involved in it, and i dnt vote, let ppl say things about me for it idc, i hate big gov't and how they intervine in ppls life, just look at ur paycheck next time u get it for, a small example, how much money is taken out and given to federal and state organizations, and why. who are these ppl u give money to, what services are they providing u, we sure as shit nvr see there faces, let alone have a very good idea who they are, but we keep paying them money. i see it as "legal" robbery. i mean wtf, theres a buncha shit on paper, sumthing easily disposable, that says u need to do this, if not, we come to ur house take ur belongings and and money,but its ok, cuz its "legal" and on paper. and sumthing on paper, can easily be destroyed, and only memories will reside, but a mans word means nothing anymore. heres a fucke dexample as well, srry u got me on a rant, my sister was an EMT. she was going to school, just bought a house, had a good life going and gettin started. as part of her job requirement she needed a flu shot, she didnt want to get one, but had to. in the next day or 2 after, she calls my mom saying she cant feel her legs, soon she cant feel her arms, and is having difficulty moving them , within the week she's in a coma lasting over 2 months, and waking up to be paralyzed from the waste down, all from a very rare but severe reaction to the flu shot. shes been in a lawsuit with the company that makes the flu shot, guess what no record she ever had the shot, or even worked as an EMT for that company. so its not on paper and it didnt happen, regardless of the ppl who worked beside her and could clearly state it did in fact happen. things gotta change, bc a stone on a downward slope wont go up, meaning things are only gonna get worse. so have these talks amongst friends, get the info out there so ppl know, and can have tlks with others, and these things can be brought to ppls attention. i am hopeful that things will change though, not in a short amount of time, but ppl are tlking and the truth about our untrustworthy shady govt, hiding behind the curtains, is coming out, and i believe a revolution is among us in the coming generations.

Id really like to read it also but its a giant wall of text, next time use the enter key a few times.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I couldn't find any article directly related to US troops deploying to the continental States. If someone has a link, post it please.

For thoses who think having troops "police" the country, is a good you really want combat troops doing an urban sweep in your neighbourhood?
If you think that the police are bad...seen Kabul lately?


Active Member
Martial law would never be declared across the entire US without a massive fucking disaster. A massive fucking disaster would equate to a lack of "enforcement officers", thus eliminating martial law as a probability in such an event.

Send 1 million troops into a population of which has more than 1 million troops, whom have deserted the government in order to take care of their family, and those 1 million troops enforcing martial law will have one big firefight on their hands.

If you think martial law would just be declared out of the blue... that's just delusional. If that ever happened, it would be one big fucking civil war. People don't listen to government as much as they used to... if you saw on the news that martial law was declared, and to hand over your weapons, do you honestly think people in droves would oblige? No, you'd have a lot of rebel and militia groups forming up within 72 hours. It just would not work on the government's behalf.

There are over 700 militias in the US right now. If the government can't handle Katrina, how would the efficiently deal with 700+ armed militias... they simply wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
Martial law would never be declared across the entire US without a massive fucking disaster. A massive fucking disaster would equate to a lack of "enforcement officers", thus eliminating martial law as a probability in such an event.

Send 1 million troops into a population of which has more than 1 million troops, whom have deserted the government in order to take care of their family, and those 1 million troops enforcing martial law will have one big firefight on their hands.

If you think martial law would just be declared out of the blue... that's just delusional. If that ever happened, it would be one big fucking civil war. People don't listen to government as much as they used to... if you saw on the news that martial law was declared, and to hand over your weapons, do you honestly think people in droves would oblige? No, you'd have a lot of rebel and militia groups forming up within 72 hours. It just would not work on the government's behalf.

There are over 700 militias in the US right now. If the government can't handle Katrina, how would the efficiently deal with 700+ armed militias... they simply wouldn't.
Do "militias" have over $1.5 trillion in yearly funding? Do "militias" have drones, jets and tanks? Tomahawk missiles?

They could kill you all without you ever seeing them come.


Well-Known Member
Do "militias" have over $1.5 trillion in yearly funding? Do "militias" have drones, jets and tanks? Tomahawk missiles?

They could kill you all without you ever seeing them come.
i think it would be real hard for most U.S. troops to start bombing their own country. if the kill order was given do you realize the amount of U.S. troops that would defect from the armed services? this isn't the bass ackwards EU pal.


Well-Known Member
i think it would real hard for most U.S. troops to start bombing their own country. if the kill order was given do you realize the amount of U.S. that would defect from the armed services? this isn't the bass ackwards EU pal.
Lol, I think you give jar heads too much credit.

What about when they decide anyone who questions the Government is a "terrorist"? Think they won't fuck you up then?

1930's Germany, noone saw it coming.


Well-Known Member
Hey people this is not unconstitutional ya dumb dumbs. It is only unconstitutional if you are required quarter soldiers. I live in a large military city and the MP's are much nicer than the regular pigs.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I think you give jar heads too much credit.

What about when they decide anyone who questions the Government is a "terrorist"? Think they won't fuck you up then?

1930's Germany, noone saw it coming.
comparing the U.S. to 1930's germany is pretty much where you lose any credibility. considering i come from a family of jarheads and you come from a tiny island on the other side of the atlantic i think i probably have a bit more insight than you. since i have traveled the world and you haven't been out off that rock i think i'm not gonna worry too much about your apocalyptic scenarios.


Active Member
Do "militias" have over $1.5 trillion in yearly funding? Do "militias" have drones, jets and tanks? Tomahawk missiles?

They could kill you all without you ever seeing them come.
During martial law, funding of all sorts will collapse. Sure the US will just cease bank accounts and print more money, but conventional funding as the government knows it, will halt. The economy on a global level would become absolutely crippled.

Drones, jets, tanks, and missiles all take a huge amounts of logistics to operate and maintain. If martial law was ever declared, the military would easily lose 50% of it's staff in less than a week, as they would all bail to take care of their families, which would make the logistics of operating sophisticated war machinery very difficult and inefficient.

You have to remember, no one with any sort of family is going to sit at a table with a joystick and and screen, firing on people with a drone, while knowing their family is under similar, dire circumstances.

There are plenty of puppets in the US military who would follow martial law orders with ease, but on a grand scale, the government would not have the odds in their favor.


Well-Known Member
During martial law, funding of all sorts will collapse. Sure the US will just cease bank accounts and print more money, but conventional funding as the government knows it, will halt. The economy on a global level would become absolutely crippled.

Drones, jets, tanks, and missiles all take a huge amounts of logistics to operate and maintain. If martial law was ever declared, the military would easily lose 50% of it's staff in less than a week, as they would all bail to take care of their families, which would make the logistics of operating sophisticated war machinery very difficult and inefficient.

You have to remember, no one with any sort of family is going to sit at a table with a joystick and and screen, firing on people with a drone, while knowing their family is under similar, dire circumstances.

There are plenty of puppets in the US military who would follow martial law orders with ease, but on a grand scale, the government would not have the odds in their favor.
i think you mean "seize".

they'll teach you that in 10th grade remedial english, i wager.


Well-Known Member
During martial law, funding of all sorts will collapse. Sure the US will just cease bank accounts and print more money, but conventional funding as the government knows it, will halt. The economy on a global level would become absolutely crippled.

Drones, jets, tanks, and missiles all take a huge amounts of logistics to operate and maintain. If martial law was ever declared, the military would easily lose 50% of it's staff in less than a week, as they would all bail to take care of their families, which would make the logistics of operating sophisticated war machinery very difficult and inefficient.

You have to remember, no one with any sort of family is going to sit at a table with a joystick and and screen, firing on people with a drone, while knowing their family is under similar, dire circumstances.

There are plenty of puppets in the US military who would follow martial law orders with ease, but on a grand scale, the government would not have the odds in their favor.
Are you completely retarded? The military have like a 100,000 year supply of ammunition, they don't need another penny to fuck you sideways from here till Narnia.


Active Member
Are you completely retarded? The military have like a 100,000 year supply of ammunition, they don't need another penny to fuck you sideways from here till Narnia.
Now try to move than 100,000 year supply of ammo around a depleted and ravaged war zone :).


Well-Known Member
You just stand idly by and wait and see..."they're" coming for you and tinfoil won't help..."they" have hacks for that now.


Active Member
You just stand idly by and wait and see..."they're" coming for you and tinfoil won't help..."they" have hacks for that now.
Not so sure why you're so keen on the idea that nation-wide martial law is an inevitable reality.

You do understand that a lot of troops simply would not participate in such "Nazism" correct? Despite the unconstitutionality of what happened in Katrina, there were multiple, national guard companies/platoons/squads that declined to confiscate weapons and/or commit treason upon the people. Guys from these same companies said, that if they witnessed local law enforcement confiscating weapons, they would have told the law enforcement personnel to stand down. These are the types of soldiers that would back their country, not fight against it, and there are plenty of them in all branches of the armed services.

Beyond that, a lot of soldiers/law enforcement/national guard, simply will not participate if their salaries disappear. Would you go to work for free? Soldiers are no different. That factor works even more so against the government, when those "unwilling to work for free" soldiers have a family.

On another note, I'm not Idling. If someone ever comes to my door in order to commit unconstitutional acts upon me or my family, they will receive a wrath of lead, uniform or not. I'm entirely aware that if martial law were enacted, the cowardly folks in the services would follow initially. Those cowardly followers would dwindle as the non-cowards in the services begin to back their nation's people, rather the treason of the government.

To think the US military will annihilate it's people in full force, during a state of martial law, is not only impossible due to massive logistical issues, but also impossible because a large percentage of the armed forces simply would not stand for it. That's just the reality of it... not all armed service people are zombies, and in fact more are waking up as time goes on.

I think the "tinfoil hat wearers" in this discussion, would be those believing in a full-fledged massacre upon the USA, via US soldiers complying with treasonous orders.