new 1 for me trichs say ready but nothin else does..?


New Member
I'm almost ten and a half weeks into flower with this afghooeyxerkel and the trichs are about 50/50 its been flushed for 2 1/2 wEeks. The problem is usually by now the bud just looks ready. There's a color change and kinda a goldish hue thrown from it with yellowed leaves everywhere. This is not the case every leaf is green and there are still new pistils growing everyday. For two or three days the room got up to 92 and there wasn't much growth maybe this is the cause? Not sure but now the temps are 76/87 (hotter at "night" cause I run my lights at night for temps sake) I know this is high but its the best I can do anyway should I cut her down or give her some more time?
Full shot:
Same angle a week and a half ago:
Maybe its just me being paranoid but I've never had them go this long and they've never been so dark green. The other two have been pretty much harvested lookin at a little over an o dry and I still got this one and like half another one to go so maybe a little over two oz off three plants, :/
Had that happen b4. Some strains r just different and not as crystally with the trichs. you'll still see what ur talkin about with the goldish color and the yellowing leaves. Just needs more time is all.

Freakin beautiful buds though, they'll get there, just let the pistols brown up some more. Be sure to check my grow out, good luck and stay lit:joint::peace:


New Member
Thanks for the post guys. Ill def check out ur journal. Like I said the erkels were ready but this one just doesn't seem to be losing color. If anything its getting darker. But the trichs are screemin smoke me


Well-Known Member
Spruce Zeus has a great tutorial on maturity and is a proponent of the thinking that includes several different factors in determining readiness. Trichs. new white hairs. swelling and ultimately receding calyxes. yellowing and browning leaves. It is his opinion that all these factors have to come together in some fashioon to demonstrate readiness. I believe I might have cut too early last time I grew what I am growing now, and I am going to try and leave them a little longer as well.

But it is also worth remembering that the level of maturity gives a different lift too .... so at that point it becomes a personal preference of what lift ur looking for. Good luck and Walk On !!~~

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I'm almost ten and a half weeks into flower with this afghooeyxerkel and the trichs are about 50/50 its been flushed for 2 1/2 wEeks. The problem is usually by now the bud just looks ready. There's a color change and kinda a goldish hue thrown from it with yellowed leaves everywhere. This is not the case every leaf is green and there are still new pistils growing everyday. For two or three days the room got up to 92 and there wasn't much growth maybe this is the cause? Not sure but now the temps are 76/87 (hotter at "night" cause I run my lights at night for temps sake) I know this is high but its the best I can do anyway should I cut her down or give her some more time?
Full shot:
Same angle a week and a half ago:
Maybe its just me being paranoid but I've never had them go this long and they've never been so dark green. The other two have been pretty much harvested lookin at a little over an o dry and I still got this one and like half another one to go so maybe a little over two oz off three plants, :/
It looks ripe to me. most the hairs are red, and the trichs say it's ready. Forget about leaf color or cool weather re-growth - it's ready.