nevils new genetic's

rimmeo is a big fraud. I wouldn't buy nothing that has to do with nevil's new line of seeds from nobody but nevil til he said other wise. The thing about the seed business is that everybody buys into something that they hope is true. Well a few friends of nevil have been selling lots of ppl dreams.

Ok...rimmeo seemed like a stand up guy to me but i dont know him personally. is there any real evidence that he is what you say he is? Im not trying to argue with you i just dont want to convict the guy based on a forum post.
I know for a fact nevil vouched for rimmeo at mns and he's bee selling them ever scince so where ever you spammers come up with this shit is false i can so you private message fro mnds see telling everyonre to deal with rimmo sodo nt start bullshit rummkors Rimme4o0 isw legit and thats where nevil got his new NL#5 breedetr from amonst the G!13 and many other mso dont try to make someone a bad person this is nothingf but spam so other companies can profit from the olsd timje geneitics e4nough said ask anyone who ordered did the what they order and the anser is myes so screw all th spammers!@!!!! rimmeo
mediocre Black widow lmao, you show me a pic any pic of a plant frostier then Black widow sure 1 pack you may not find her but she's their and she's solid white if thats mediocre you don't know nothing about good smoke but then again maybe my standards are higher than yours. but you stick with your fems and shit selections me and everyone who's smoked my shit love it so I'm not doing too bad myself I've grown other breeders as well their is good shit elsewhere. but running 5 fem seeds I'd hardly call a run of a strain anyone who knows anything will tell you 5 girls of any seed line is a joke considering most are just recombinations of the same genes. But oh you've grown for 15 years well first time I grew I was 13 years old and I'm creeping up on 30 I also grew veggies and shit since I was in grade school one thing for sure I'm not humbled by your experience or lack their of. I am a little new to indoors but I'm still pretty good at it and it sure beats lugging two 5 gallon buckets of water through the woods in the summer heat.
I know for a fact nevil vouched for rimmeo at mns and he's bee selling them ever scince so where ever you spammers come up with this shit is false i can so you private message fro mnds see telling everyonre to deal with rimmo sodo nt start bullshit rummkors Rimme4o0 isw legit and thats where nevil got his new NL#5 breedetr from amonst the G!13 and many other mso dont try to make someone a bad person this is nothingf but spam so other companies can profit from the olsd timje geneitics e4nough said ask anyone who ordered did the what they order and the anser is myes so screw all th spammers!@!!!! rimmeo

pretty sure i saw that myself. Im finding this very hard to believe and if no evidence is posted then I will make my own conclusions.
thats right i bought the seed on nevils word and they were the best strains iver grew i got so hight i was dumfounder so this fake ass nevil reminds me of the spammer japan freak from Mr nice seeds who nevil banned dont belive a word he say ht ey are the bomb seeds better than any others ive purchased in years so go away nevil 2013 aka jap freak
neville s 2013 is japan freak thats not even how you spell his name go spam somewhere else nevil is how u spell his name get it right everyone here loves his new stuff
Ok...rimmeo seemed like a stand up guy to me but i dont know him personally. is there any real evidence that he is what you say he is? Im not trying to argue with you i just dont want to convict the guy based on a forum post.

I don't know anything about the guy just I was told he got busted and neville did not even work on half the strains the list claimed supposedly the guy asked nev he's been a member of the mns forum since like 08 no idea if he's full of shit or not and the guy hasn't even posted there since neville left so I doubt he's jap freak or rasta khan or whatever spammer these dudes are talking about.

I don't care either way but has anyone ordered seed recently from rimmeo that is not a new member? not that I can't wait till nev sells seed like every other breeder anyway.
Also I asked dude for seed pics of all 30 some odd strains he claimed to have of neville's and I got a few bud shots and 7 packs not even what he was selling as nev' 1990.jpg I still think its a scam myself dude sent like 12 e-mails swearing he's legit sounds a bit overboard to me if he where legit why try so hard to make me believe him?. and I only sent him one asking to send pics of the seed packs and mentioning the pm I got but as you can see I didn't get pics of what he's holding.
LISTEN BLUTMASTER IVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR NEVIL FOR YEARS WHITH MANY STAISTFIED CUSTOMERS OK RASTAKAN HATES NEVIL BECAUSE HE BANNED HIM TA MNSEEDS SO I DONT NO WHAT TO TELL YOU YOUR STARTING TROUBLE FOR NOTHING REFERMAQN IS A PETIFILE BUY HIS SEED FOR ALL I CARE I HAVE DEICATED CUSTOMERS LIKE GRUBER AND ET AND MANY OTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER THAT NEVIL REFERED TO ME SO DONT STart shit you dont no abbout then you bring up rasta khan from over a year ago because he hates nevil get the story straight half this commuity has purchase seed from us if we were scammers it would have beed caught on long ago!!!!! dont bother ordering genuine nevils work from us go to refermans sub quailty seeds
you mgot pic's of these because nyouve never been to thre castle i have several time no0w you owe me a appology have you ever been in nevilos test bfield i9 think not
you must feel like a real dick blunt master fuzziehead and rimmeo are partners and work with nevil the real nevil on the fake on spammer herecheck out he castle and his dogs and the test field id say we know what we are talking about do myou mnp you dont
I cannot imagine that Nevilles seed would NOT sell it itself without all of your shilling....oh yes forgot to cover the face of the gay bloke in the purple shirt........30 strains in a year....busy man there....I think I will wait for Neville himself to come here or anywhere and say these are his seed he has for sale....just sayin bro your hardline sales techniques are making you sound desperate.......and just so you know.....Rimmeo does not have a good reputation on the boards.....I have asked around and they all say the same thing.....
I have plenty of seed and do not need more.....just informing you how you are coming across to the general public here.
It looks like from the pics that you all are from the place where men are men and sheep are scared! your children cry wha wha wha or bwhhhaaaa bwhaaa bwwhhhaaaaa..? LMK....
thats his house in holland where he produced seeds it'sd call cannabis castle have you ever heard of it duh!! are you guys newbies or what
1990 varieties
Old school varietys newly available packs of 15 for 100.00

we sell pure oaxican and karibia and now we have mumblin maddness pure and NL#5 pure and NL#1 x nl#5 hybrid just came in NL#5 x skunk#1 g13x hashplant G13 x northernlights #2 Hash plant pureHashplant x northernlight#1 Northernlight5x2

All seeds come in packs of 10 except for fem’s they come in 6 packs fem’s are 110.00 per pack regulars are 100.00 no shipping charges.
3)NH21 X MMS
4)NH36 X OAX
7)MML X NH03
10)NH21 X OAX
12)NH35 X KANGA’S2004
13) NH42X MML OR S
15) NH21 X MML
18)pre 89 hashplantpure
19)pre 89 NL#5 x sk1
20) G13 x hashplant pure pre 89
21) 89 hash plant x nl
22) NL#5 x MM
23) Mulliumkush

24) Haze Kush
The New SEED Bank
The address to send is:
Updated on occasion

Fems pack contains 6

(male Mullem Madness Late Flower)
(female Mullem Madness Late Flower)
MM S (male Sk/Mullem Madness Early Flower)
NH 3 (male Nevils Haze ) Early NH male. Very resinous when reversed with a complex, pungent somewhat unpleasant smell. Very potent male that transmits these qualities to its offspring)
NH4 (male Nevils Haze ) Early Nevils Haze male is a more NL5 dominant NH, which exhibited a sweet fruity flavor and smell when the sex was reversed.

  1. NH21 X OAX (Oaxacan from Kanga. Strong trance inducing effects. Typically a little earlier than MM. Tastes range from sweet to fruity. Pale sativa with thin leaves. Cures gold)

2) MM X NH4 (Late MM X early NH male.
NH4 is a more NL5 dominant NH, which exhibited a sweet fruity flavor and smell when the sex was reversed)

3) NH21 X MM L ( Late MM male. A regular version of the fem below)

4) MM L X NH21 FEM ( The NH21 was induced to produce pollen and was mated to the late MM female. A union of two top producing females of high quality. )

5) MM X NH3 ( Late MM X early NH male. Early NH male. Very resinous when reversed with a complex, pungent somewhat unpleasant smell. Very potent male that transmits these qualities to it's offspring)

6) NH19 X Sk/MM (early) NH19 was an early more indica leaning NH(early) and was crossed with an early MM male


some of what rimmeo e-mailed me....

you inquired about some of nevils new line were you interested in makeing a order we are including a freebie of the oringinal Hasplant pure with everyorder over 2 pack so in you wnated to order now is the time to do so.

How is that are you happy now. I have to say i never had to prove my and nevils stuff before to this extentbecause of some ass hloe spammer rastan khan over a year ago when i caught lime diease ever get it it the most powerful diease ive evr contracted growing outside from one little tick

RIMMEOotherwise known as fuzziehead on seed depot and medicalguy508 on rollitup

I love the guilt trip a petty hustler from RI's greatest hustle make them feel bad for you come on dude I'm from new england too.