Neville's Latest Project


RIU Bulldog
this is why I idolize nev.

Originally Posted by bushweed
Nev had a sample of Colombian he was enthusiastic about when I saw him last. Unfortunately it didn't get smoked as a fresh sample of MulluM was being tested. That sample from the big tree Kanga calls the beast was still wet and yet, despite not having the 3 month cure that is prescribed as a minimum, Nev was red eyed and very high and described the effect as electric. The boys were very excited by this (Kanga was especially speechless after just 3 tokes
And Nev having smoked a bit more, kept asking, "Are you sure you've got the cuttings from this?"

For my part I have smoked some of Kanga's 15 foot MNS Nevil's haze and wasn't disappointed. I can clearly see the similarity with the MM that Nev describes, for while the smell is different (not as sweet as MM) the taste is almost identical and the effect is of the same intensity. There are however, some differences. The NH seems to animate the tester from within and propels the consciousness into the stratosphere - if I could say the Oaxacan puts the smoker right into their heart chakra - the Haze pushes one right up into the crown chakra and illuminates everything below. The MulluM on the other hand seems to illuminate everything outside of the smoker and invests the surroundings with a divine luminescence. As such I would say the MM is more trippy, more visually distorting than the NHz, while the NHz is a more soaring, esoteric high.

In the ancient Indian philosophy of Vedanta, two of the philosophical pillars are: I am God and: Everything is God. For me Nev's Haze confirms the first pillar, and Kanga's MM the second
Both are very cerebral, yet mentally devastating in quantity, with absolutely no ceiling.

Nev is currently focused on crossing the long flowering NHz with MM, and the short flowering NHz with Kariba. Then its a question of how to integrate the beautiful flavor and mood enhancing effect of the Oaxacan.

A lot of strains are still being tested and crossed, but few have impressed like the ones mentioned. Nev says a lot of strains when first smoked give a semblance of that old 5Hz high, but drop off after half an hour whereas the good stuff keeps you up there for hours. While the boys didn't like the smell of the Purple Mexi Thai - they certainly enjoyed the effect, and Nev was particularly interested in sourcing the Mexican in that cross (of which 15 seeds exist), because it reminded him of the Mexican he loved and lost in the eighties. And then crossing that to Kanga's Oaxacan (in the same way as crossing NHz to MM) to strengthen and ameliorate the existing elements in both.

If you didn't know who Nev was and you saw him in his new environment, you wouldn't look twice; so seamlessly does he fit into the local milieu of rustic bohemian misfits. But spend some time with him and you realize the guy has one focus to which all other concerns are secondary - what's the best dope in the world - and how can I make it better?

Like a pair of pigs rolling in shit - those boys



Well-Known Member

I was reading through his "Search for the Ultimate Haze hybrid" thread (215 pages now!) on the MNS forums a while back. He certainly does have a passion for creating great mj strains. I sure hope he finds his "Grail" (and then releases it in seed form, of course).

That MM sounds like a really interesting strain. If I'm not mistaken, MM was used as the father of La Nina (BW x MM).

I'd love to try a NHz x MM cross...I'll bet it would blow my mind :eyesmoke:


RIU Bulldog

I was reading through his "Search for the Ultimate Haze hybrid" thread (215 pages now!) on the MNS forums a while back. He certainly does have a passion for creating great mj strains. I sure hope he finds his "Grail" (and then releases it in seed form, of course).

That MM sounds like a really interesting strain. If I'm not mistaken, MM was used as the father of La Nina (BW x MM).

I'd love to try a NHz x MM cross...I'll bet it would blow my mind :eyesmoke:
The way he decribes both highs is magical.
I've never had weed that resembled anything like that. Super Silver Haze came close.

I think "MulluM" is Mullumbimby Madness. An awesome sativa outta africa.


RIU Bulldog
Nice post. I love shanti. What id give to hang out with them for a while lol.
I ador shanti for what he's done, but my first idol is Nev all the way. I wish someone would write abiography on that guy already, but who would know for sure what was true and what was folklore.


Well-Known Member
Nev an shanti are no longer doing buisness together I hear.
Nev will be releasing his grails as his own company due to money an quality issues @mns
Grails are dropping, I got a NevHz21 x early Mullimbimby madness going now.....


Active Member
if I could say the Oaxacan puts the smoker right into their heart chakra - the Haze pushes one right up into the crown chakra and illuminates everything below. The MulluM on the other hand seems to illuminate everything outside of the smoker and invests the surroundings with a divine luminescence.

No offense, but this sounds like some New Age, Shirley Maclaine bullshit to me. How do you prove such claims? Can we even prove the existence of chakras? No, we can't, and haven't. We do have things called the pineal and pituitary glands where two of these supposed chakras are said to exist (also the throat, heart, stomach, groin). But the people who have taken the great leap of faith (and I know that Buddism and other Eastern religions believe in chakras, but that doesn't make them any more real than any other religious beliefs) are now saying these things exist, and they know what impacts them, and how it impacts them. Please. The only thing this proves is that the weed Nev is chasing/smoking is indeed strong.


Well-Known Member
if I could say the Oaxacan puts the smoker right into their heart chakra - the Haze pushes one right up into the crown chakra and illuminates everything below. The MulluM on the other hand seems to illuminate everything outside of the smoker and invests the surroundings with a divine luminescence.

No offense, but this sounds like some New Age, Shirley Maclaine bullshit to me. How do you prove such claims?
Of course you can't prove any of this.

The entire cannabis lexicon is filled with ridiculous BS.

This is just his way of trying to describe subjective emotional feelings surrounding cannabis intoxication. How else are you supposed to do it?


Active Member
This is just his way of trying to describe subjective emotional feelings surrounding cannabis intoxication. How else are you supposed to do it?
Keep it a bit more real is how I would do it. Chakras! Pffft. Talk about credibility going down the toilet. And while I agree it is hard to discuss the subjective feelings of pot, why would one want to talk in the lexicon of the hippy? With all due repect to hippies out there, nobody really takes them or their "philosophies" seriously.

People can talk about body buzz, head high, couch lock, trippiness etc, and I'm with them. At least we know bodies, heads, and couches exist. Lots of people do a good job of communicating the specific effects of pot on them in their smoke reports without spewing cultish crap. Divine luminescence? Yeah, okay. I'll take an ounce.


Active Member
I think this chakra business is more a way of teaching body awareness than anything else. I don't subscribe to it myself but being aware of the effects that something has on your body is a skill that has to be learned and an underrated one at that. I have many friends who cannot describe the effect smoking has on them, the subtleties seem to be lost on them, perhaps if they learned some eastern mysticism they'd be better at putting their point across.


Well-Known Member
Keep it a bit more real is how I would do it. Chakras! Pffft. Talk about credibility going down the toilet.
I wouldn't ask the guy's medical or political opinion, but despite the cuckoo-talk, I think Neviille has established his own credibility within the cannabis breeding/growing community.
If he starts waxing poetic about this high vs that one, I think he's at least earned the right to be listened to, because he probably does have some legitimate insight there.

And while I agree it is hard to discuss the subjective feelings of pot, why would one want to talk in the lexicon of the hippy?
I suspect its because he actually is one himself. He does go back there, you know.

With all due repect to hippies out there, nobody really takes them or their "philosophies" seriously.
They probably take it "seriously". Or at least seriously enough to talk like that.
But more to the point, I don't think you have to really believe in "Chakras", Hinduism, or other hippy-dippy BS to try and get his point.
You don't have to accept the religion to understand the metaphor.

People can talk about body buzz, head high, couch lock, trippiness etc, and I'm with them.
That's one sort of nomenclature. Neville is using a different one. His probably predates the terms you're most accustomed to, but that doesn't mean his descriptions lack merit or precision.

Ultimately, this is largely semantics anyway (ie choice of words). If you care about his opinion, I'd say you'd be better served concentrating on the message rather than which words he uses to convey it.

At least we know bodies, heads, and couches exist. Lots of people do a good job of communicating the specific effects of pot on them in their smoke reports without spewing cultish crap. Divine luminescence? Yeah, okay. I'll take an ounce.
I get it, though again, I think its OK to try and separate the message from the messenger.

To a significant extent, I'm not sure how much of this I buy anyway.

No, I haven't gone on an international exploration of esoteric pure sativas to compare this one vs that one, but I have smoked enough buds to have some sense of the differences.

Yes, there are differences between strains and they can even be quite significant, but ultimately there is a spectrum of effect that is going to depend mostly on cannabinoid ratios and to a lesser extent on personal/subjective factors. The spectrum might be two or even three dimensional, (eg "psychoactive 0-10", "cerebral 0-10", and "narcotic 0-10") but any given strain is going to have some profile on this spectrum.

Its not even clear to me that two different buds from the exact same plant will hit the same person the same exact way smoked on different days in different ways. (Let alone buds harvested from the same plant at different times, or buds harvested from differing phenotype plants from the same "strain"). So trying to describe what likely amounts to subtle and largely subjective differences in effect between otherwise similar strains. . .don't know how useful that really is. Even if there is a difference, and even if you can somehow accurately convey the subjective difference in words, its not clear to me how reproducible the difference actually is (and therefore how useful the description).

As another metaphor, I can spend ten minutes using very precise wine-tasting language to describe to you how this wine is different than that one, but unless they're drastically different and you have well-established preference AND you trust my evaluation, in the end you're going to have to taste them yourself to decide which you like better and why.


Active Member
Ultimately, this is largely semantics anyway (ie choice of words). If you care about his opinion, I'd say you'd be better served concentrating on the message rather than which words he uses to convey it.
Semantics is the study of meaning in language. Meaning can be separated into two areas: what the speaker means (intends to convey), or what the sentence/words mean. I can make the distinction between what the writer of that post intended to convey, and what words he chose to convey it. That is not difficult. But the words chosen reveal much about what meaning is intended. To concentrate on just the message and overlook the words used is intentionally disabling half of what we use to form an opinion. Homey don't play that game.


Well-Known Member
I have smoked herb that has does this to me. It goes past paranoia to where you "see" things differently.

It mostly exposed me in a different light.


Well-Known Member
I have smoked herb that has does this to me. It goes past paranoia to where you "see" things differently.
Some of the sativa strains in particular are known for psychedelic effect, and the hallmark of psychedelics is altered perception, in particular including seeing things differently.
So this makes perfect sense.

Semantics is the study of meaning in language. Meaning can be separated into two areas: what the speaker means (intends to convey), or what the sentence/words mean. I can make the distinction between what the writer of that post intended to convey, and what words he chose to convey it. That is not difficult. But the words chosen reveal much about what meaning is intended. To concentrate on just the message and overlook the words used is intentionally disabling half of what we use to form an opinion. Homey don't play that game.
Or course you can use his words to form an opinion about him.

My point is only that there is no need to dismiss the content of his remarks soley because of the way he put them.

I don't know the guy well enough to know if he actually meant that business about chakras literally; in fact, he very well may not have. But whether he did or didn't, you certainly don't have to believe in chakras to get the point.

Taking his words metaphorically, he's seems to be saying the Oaxacan is "touchy-feely", the haze is cerebral, and the other one is sort of psychedelic.

That doesn't seem so "nuts" to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad he's a hippy! The best shit always comes from hippies and probably always will! I think its funny people would even argue over the words. I read it and thought, damn I'm sure glad i got some of that shit. Funny though, how some people can't see even when there high!