Never seen this before or online

What is this, its been going on for a lil while. Mold will kill the whole plant?? Or just the flowers??? But i looked up mold on pistils, and Ive never seen anything like this before. My plant went into shock last week due to super high temps, basically on life support. Is it mold or shock??


Active Member
I think we've mentioned it in your other thread(s)... you have powdery mildew. See all that white film on your leaves? And yes, it will kill your flowers.

You shouldn't be sitting in front of your puter anyway. You should be at the garden center right now picking up a bottle of Neem and some bamboo stakes.
The white powder is seven dust, for bugs....i spent hours looking online to see what it is, and found nothing. Ive looked into mildew/black mold/bud rot


Active Member
Well that 7 dust had me fooled. Looked just like PM. But you do have a mold/fungus prob. It isn't shock.
Lol..i know i put that powder on thick... Im looking into the milk, the neem oil, or the garlic spray for the leaves...and peroxide or garlic oil for when i cut the effected areas. Does that sound good? My plants were pretty much dead last week, shrivled dried and every leaf was pointing to hell. The sun cooked some leafs and before that it had a nute burn.

So i should cut off all that is tainted??