Never let your gaurd down


Active Member
Just got a major scare, i was checking my plants when i herd a knock at my window. i shut the doors to my grow box and went to the window. and standing there was a cop, he was there for my neighbor. but man my heart hit the floor. my shades where drawn but it really sucks to live in fear.


Well-Known Member
wow. why the fuck are they on your property first of all.

second, is your front door invisible (keyword being front)? no? then why in the hell are you knocking on my window?


Well-Known Member
OMG I'd prob poop my pants...
It would slide down my leg into my shoe...
That's how bad it would be...

Shitty Wok take yo ordaa peasss


Well-Known Member
You shoulda yanked open the blinds buck ass naked,except for red boots & a football helmet,woulda gave that fuker nightmares for months.


Well-Known Member
One year I had my entire outdoor crop (3lb.) hanging in the attic from some chicken-wire. I was down in the barn when my came running to say the F.D. was on the way. As I ran up the attic stairs I could hear the sirens. The shit was too well tied up so I ripped it down chicken-wire and all, rolled it up, and buried it with shit. On the way down I ran into a firefighter going up. I said "everything's cool up there, I just checked!", but he had to look at the chimney anyway. I went back up and I was glad to see the stuff wasn't visible. After he checked the chimney he said "You should pick up that junk-pile, it's a fire hazard and rodents nest- I can smell it."
"Yeah I will."
When we had the chimney cleaned the Sweep found the smoked mummy of a female mallard duck, who apparently had built a nest and then got trapped and died up there over the summer.
I mean, ya just never know- it's always something.


Well-Known Member
Haha reminds me of a month back, I left really quick to get food. Came home and there were 3 cop cars, an ambulance and a firetruck in front of my house. I almost shit my pants haha. But I called home and everything was cool they were at the neighbors.

Another bad story though, is this one time I opened the door for the post man and when I opened the door this big gush of fresh weed smell went straight in his face.
(before I got smell under control) Whats even worse, is my sister bought me a hookah and pipe and he held the package up and said "A hookah, yeah right."


Well-Known Member
Haha reminds me of a month back, I left really quick to get food. Came home and there were 3 cop cars, an ambulance and a firetruck in front of my house. I almost shit my pants haha. But I called home and everything was cool they were at the neighbors.

Another bad story though, is this one time I opened the door for the post man and when I opened the door this big gush of fresh weed smell went straight in his face.
(before I got smell under control) Whats even worse, is my sister bought me a hookah and pipe and he held the package up and said "A hookah, yeah right."
lmfao it kinda seems like when my family saw that I am growing plants and they freaked out and tryed to give me a speech and all I told them that I am paying rent here and utilites so I have the right do grow in my room if I please