Never had this problem before.


Growing Tropicana Banana and Dosi Woah. Currently in week 4 flower. Yellowing starts at the top works it’s way down. 6.2 soil ph, ppm is 1100, temperature is 78, humidity is 55, co2 is 1400”. I haven’t had these problems before and not exactly sure what is causing it. It is on a majority of my plants this run and I haven’t grown these strains before.


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Imo, its nute toxicity. You say 1100ppm? That would put your EC (lvl of salt in medium) @2200. That's really high. You also said you haven't grown this strain b4. So their for your not exactly sure if it can handle said ppm/ex. Anytime I grow a new strain I always start low on the ppm side then work my way up if she is digging it or down if not..
Growing Tropicana Banana and Dosi Woah. Currently in week 4 flower. Yellowing starts at the top works it’s way down. 6.2 soil ph, ppm is 1100, temperature is 78, humidity is 55, co2 is 1400”. I haven’t had these problems before and not exactly sure what is causing it. It is on a majority of my plants this run and I haven’t grown these strains before.
Notice how the leaves are dropping down and the serrated edges of the leaves are turning brown. That's definitely a sign of nute overload. If it was a nitro deficiency it would start at the bottom w the older leaves first then work its way up..


How much are you watering?
depends on the plant some 2-3 some 6. the ones i give 6 water out the bottoms the ones i do 2 or 3 arnt big enough to water to runoff. but they have been flushed and now that i think about it i could have them little pissed off cuz of overwatering
no is that more accurate than running off?
Yeah run off will tell you if plant is feeding or not. Ppm should always be lower on run off then when going in. But a slurry test will tell you what is in the soil. If it's the ppm is the same or higher then the last feeding then we have lockout on our hands. If lower then we can lean towards deficiency. But I'm leaning towards lockout


Well-Known Member
What is the soil? And your watering drain to waste yes?I see the elevated pots.The more I look, they look hungry but I dont know all the facts.What are your lights and how close?


Well-Known Member
Since you have multiple plants you need to start experimenting,feed one or two different to speed up the learning curve.Ph ,ppm,nutes etc...
We need more accurate info,water 2-3 some 6 what does that mean?How big pots? What is ppm and ph of runoff?


20 gallon pots runn off is 1000-1200 p.h is 6.2

could it be light burn I am in my room and is seems that everything that is shaded more is not effected