never grown outdoors before...


growing outdoors wont be as fast as indoors and your also gonna have other problems such as animals an other critters. but you do have more space outdoors for your plants to flourish


Well-Known Member
yeah ive never done it before. thought id give it a try. after this plant dies. if it does. i think im going to take a break from growing til i get my own place. ill just stick to indoor... i think i like that better.


Well-Known Member
yeah but i like the convienece and secruity knowing nothing is going to happen to my beloved plants. ive only used cfls. well and a t5 but those dont really use that much energy.


Well-Known Member
damn it i was hoping itd be the other way around... im getting clones and started my seedling late and im hoping for at least 10 clones hopefully more. but i wanted them to grow fast cuz i wanted a least a qp
so it doesnt matter which grows faster outdoors can grow up to 25 feet (if sativa) maybe more. they can yield up to 5 pounds, but expect your plants to be within the range of 3-5 feet because thats what is more likely and YOU will PROBABLY yield about 3-4oz. per plant. If you just started them outside dont expect for them to get too big cuz they will be done growing around september/ oct. becuz of flowering. Good luck!