Never Flowering


That's quite interesting. How would I go about doing this? Cut the top off the bottle, germinate the seeds and place them in the water? It sounds interesting so please elaborate more.
and just to clarify after you cut the tops off the plastic bottles etc. put some dirt, soil in them and then place your seedlings in the dirt after they sprouted. then water them and keep watering every couple days and let nature run its course. your not growing hemp because you got those seeds out of brick weed which means it is the seeds of a bud producing plant... right??? if it dont make sense pm me good luck
why are you trying to sound smart with big words and all these scientific fucking sentences?
look how dumb you look you cant even grow the plant yet you're trying to school me on information, quit getting your feelings hurt when people are trying to help you. and stop thinking you know everything right now, the sooner you realize you dont know shit the better off you'll be, trust me. If I didn't give a shit about you, I wouldn't have clicked your thread.

STRAIN MEANS EVERYTHING, if you're black, and your wife is black, and you have a kid, you think that fucking kid is going to turn out white, no.
Second of all, simple things like keeping your plants seperate is common sense so nothing you say is going to get you out of that one.
Thats the first step you can take to getting your growing skills in tune, the next time you grow make sure all your plants are seperate.
Second of all, you sound like you're in the wrong thread man, I think organics is the route you should take since you aren't worried too much about results.
I have read some stuff about urine, you can actually use it as a fertilizer aslong as you water it down like 1 part to every 10 parts water.

I didnt say you're growing hemp, but if you cut open an apple and planted the seed you would get an entirely different fruit that taste and looks nothing like it.
It's not the same case when it comes to weed, but i'm sure after a while the plants become less and less great.
Specially when you're already dealing with something that isn't really high grade in itself.

but what do I know, i'm still on my first grow.
Glad to see that you retracted your own statement due to introspection. Using big words DOES make me smart as it indicates the level of conversation I am able to have with others. Try sending a college some of the vocabulary that you wrote as opposed to mine. I know that I have the ability to influence others via oration.

Ok, strain. How do we know that this particular strain was tempered to reach the most potency it could've achieved? It clearly was pollinated and yet it produced bud. I do know some "shit" if I can use the terminology in a straightforward and definite manner.

Yes, you would most likely get a black offspring and based on your rationalizations, if I grow a female plant than I should get a plant producing bud since its "mother" produced bud.

If you would like to ask a moderator to put this thread in another section, be my guest. I'm only looking for answers.

I never grew an apple. Analogies aren't the purest form of substitute for a particular question, no matter how close they may seem to be.

If your on your first grow, then I have more seniority than you. I know how to differentiate plants, I know how to grow them. My problem is that they're not flowering. I'm not starting from square one like you. I'm attempting to resolve a particular conflict, not attempting to grow plants in the first place. I sound sardonic but that's the perspective from which I view it when requesting advice, not patronizations.
I've been feeding it Miracle-Gro consistently for the past few weeks now. Here are the results.
To "andsmokeit": I have done what you have suggested.

See the leaves turning yellow? Why is that? It grows from some leaves turning yellow and falling off to all of them doing so. Too many plants in one pot? Should I just kill all except one?



those bottles are perfect it's what I was talking about. Why is there standing water in the last picture? that might be there source of your yellow leaves. And also maybe too much MG take that into consideration. Also if you still have a bunch on seeds put 1 plant in 1 container ok? alright see ya later