Never Ever Dance At The Jefferson Memorial


New Member
Illegal dancers at Jefferson memorial are stopped in their tracks. lol

What would Jefferson say about this?

The Scene in Question:



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Illegal dancers at Jefferson memorial are stopped in their tracks. lol

What would Jefferson say about this?

The Scene in Question:

bit fucked up and heavy handed

just watched quite a big selection of youtube vids on this it was early evening and they were already burning shit on the street those kids were asking for that party to be shut down.
the police were being showered with beer bottles well before they got close to the crowds thats not civil rights infringment thats punk kids not knowing how to use their freedoms responsibly
i'd even go so far to say their behavour was more of a threat to your civil liberites than the police coming in to shut it down


Well-Known Member
having parties in the street is not responsible freedom?-

"when the cops come to be dicks, throw beer bottles at them."; Thomas Jefferson.


Well-Known Member
having parties in the street is not responsible freedom?-

"when the cops come to be dicks, throw beer bottles at them."; Thomas Jefferson.
when people are tearing down property and burning it in the middle of the street then its a sure sign that yeah they ain't being responsible..


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the video, but the cops were there in a heavy show of force before anything was even wrong. Before there was ANY justification for a heavy police presence.

The school set that up. They were there in force and up everyones ass and -only then- did it lead to fuck the police chanting and then burning a little pile of shit in protest.

Had they let them have the same block party they always have had, with the same freedom they always had previously, there would have been no problem.

Even the kids in the first vid you can hear them saying that all along ---over and over--- school set this up.

The outcome couldn't have been any different the way it was set up. This is not the time for shit like this, nobody likes the police right now especially not riot police. It was when the riot police lined up things got ugly, not before.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the video, but the cops were there in a heavy show of force before anything was even wrong. Before there was ANY justification for a heavy police presence.

The school set that up. They were there in force and up everyones ass and -only then- did it lead to fuck the police chanting and then burning a little pile of shit in protest.

Had they let them have the same block party they always have had, with the same freedom they always had previously, there would have been no problem.

Even the kids in the first vid you can hear them saying that all along ---over and over--- school set this up.

The outcome couldn't have been any different the way it was set up. This is not the time for shit like this, nobody likes the police right now especially not riot police. It was when the riot police lined up things got ugly, not before.
does anything happen that isnt a conspiracy?

what about this vid?

you dont expect the police to observe the part of the party where they're burning shit and chanting? when people are tearing stuff down do they let it happen?

the police turned up in regular uniform to be greated with bottles and chants of fuck the police#

once that happened they were fully justified putting on their riot gear.

here in the uk we have a good underground psytrance scene we regaulary take over buildings and parks in london with 20k+ worth of sound thousand or so dancers and enough drugs to permafry a school of blue whales
the police dont need to wear riot gear if they turn up and i have very rarely seen them shut down a party. last week i got directions to the place from the police coming to check it out at beginning of the night
if the police did need to wear riot gear to visit the place and they were showered with beer bottles every time they did then they very quickly would stop all of them happening

people dont always need the government to take away their freedoms they throw them away stupidly for a nights worth of fun


Well-Known Member
yeah what he said-

did anyone notice that alot of these cops are over weight. i wonder what percentage of the country is fat cops?
i like this passive aggressive technique. if more people where intelligent enough to even know, they would act like this also. it's not arrogance, it's necessary.


Well-Known Member
here in america we don't play that shit-

"just obey the police and we can all get along" said the brit.
*american hillbilly throws beer bottle at the LOT"*


Well-Known Member
lol the land of the free where you get maced as your evening comes to a premature end

or the uk where i leave party when i'm good and rdy tripping my tits off. where i thank the "lone" policemen left there to check on things offer him a toke on my reefer before making my merry way home


Well-Known Member
You do not set up a military like police presence at a college block party with dogs and riot police and sound weapons and mace in this political climate and expect things to be all dandy. Like I said had it been the normal campus security there or just a couple officers this all would never have happened.

Were the kids 100% right no of course not, but this reaction to an oppressive police presence should have been expected. If things keep getting more opressive next time they do something like that at that school expect all those cops to get their asses handed to them. That crowd could have killed all those officers if they wanted too. But they didn't, they just rebelled plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
i would spend every second left in my miserable life-


before i would ever be anyone's bitch.


Well-Known Member
the police made the kids start a fire and start tearing down shit? really?

i havent seen anything up on youtube that shows police doing anything before that happened from what i can see they were off at a fairly respectable distance

from what i can see the first reaction of the police was to try sending in uniformed officers to break up the fire

these kids were asking for it plain and simple


Well-Known Member
i would spend every second left in my miserable life-


before i would ever be anyone's bitch.
who's being anyones bitch?
if i was being a bitch i would stay at home and wouldnt go to illegal raves. taking illicit drugs and dancing all night would be off too
now you calling me a bitch because i dont consider destruction of property and fires in the street to be responisble fun?...

theres a difference between being a bitch and being a fucking idiot who's asking for it


Well-Known Member
They were there with no reason to be there in full riot forces. That was what brought on the burning stuff and chanting fuck the police. Had they not been there in riot gear there would have been nothing to chant fuck the police at and no reason to start burning things.

What's not to understand? It's never been like that before and wouldn't have been if security were normal.

Illegal rave what the hell are you talking about it was their ****annual block party*** that was all college land that's where the party has always been the same day it's always been, pre-approved like always.


Well-Known Member
the video i put shows the first lot coming down the street in uniform to be greeted with bottles and chants of fuck the police. personally i'f i had riot gear i would put it on before walking down that street again

the purpose of me bringing the raves was that if you done cause trouble then you dont get riot gear (even in situations where the police has every power to shut you down)