never ending nute burn killing all growth URGENT AT THIS POINT-tried it all ?


my beautiful plant has had never ending nute burn its whole life after week 2. I have flushed the pot twice and it still continues to burn even worse. even the newest growth is showing signs of early nute burn and in the next few days will be all burnt. im using organic black gold soil.
-Guano company SUPER TEA MIX (Earthworm casting/bat guano/seabird guano
--have but stopped using superthrive long ago.
----Bone Meal
-----Mainly use bottled water
------bought a gallon of flora nectar pineapple rush on craigslist unopened for $20 last night.
I HAVE NOT USED ANY OF THESE FERTILIZERS Since the nute burn started happening at end of week it wont stop! what do i do..its already in a big pot so no transplanting. all leaves r taco shaped (sides curled in) and yellowing/browning/crisping starts from side of leaves. I have some ugly leaves but none have ever dropped it essential to have non nute burned leaves to get good bud, im ready to start flowering in 2 weeks and if this continues, which i see it doing will it affect bud production?>


Active Member
Ok before you go any further, I have had a very similar problem. Last time, I had what I thought was nute burn, leaves dying etc. just like yours. I flushed like mad, but no matter what, it all still died off. WHat I came to find out was that it was my PH way off. It acts very similar to nute burn, what's the ph of your solutions before nurturing your plant?


Well-Known Member
I use black gold organic potting mix as well, but I don't use nutes for the first three weeks at least, sometimes 4. And even then I mix it a 1/4 to 1/2 strength. Got any pics so I can see how bad it is? I would have to guess, but Yes, It probably will affect bud production. I definitely would not flower wile the plant is still stressed!
If your not letting your tap water sit out for 24 hours uncovered thats your problem to start. And if your overwatering (flushing also maybe) them then your over nuting them because of the nutes in the soil are to hot for plants most likely since they havent had time to recover.


This all makes sense - Im going to get a ph meter so I know my ph, as well as PH up and PH down -- this was my first test plant and ive purchased ad-on's to my set-up and nutrients as ive went..however i really want to see it do well, to avoid future mistakes, when i plan to grow 3-4 plants w/ my double gum seeds...anyways so the ph may definitely be off right to the store tomorrow