Never been this excited for a TV show.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
sorry but i laughed at the intro with the background and wheelchair and all

looks cool though I'm a fan of stephen hawking i read the more famous book he wrote... a brief history of the universe was it? Something like that i dont know im rambling


New Member
There is more than a slight touch of irony, that the person telling you about all of the great distances and speed.....can't move an inch on his own.


Well-Known Member
If only he had put the time he spent learning Astrophysics into Neurosurgury?He has such a good attitude and like he said alot of time on his hands to ponder all these hypothesis.All of these Thoughts and ponderings will not become theory until they are challenged by the scientific community.Really liked it though.Have my timers set for the whole series.Peace


New Member
I've often suspected that without his debilitation....he wouldn't be nearly as smart.

He focused because that was all he had.


New Member
That would be an hysterical comedy bit..... Stephen Hawkins is cured.... and 6 months later....after no one knows where he went off to....some "stuffed shirt" British journalist type tracks him down in a Brooklyn crack house. He's all messed up and writing mathematical gibberish on the walls..... saying funny stuff in the background while the journalist tries to put a good face on it.... :lol:

Journalist: He seems as if he is almost ready to rejoin socie....

Hawkins: (In the background) F that! look at the size of my pecker!! I'm huge

cut to commercial.