

the last time i grew i onlky used 3 neuts floragro, florabloom, floramicro, threw the whole grow what would you recomend for the flowering part ?:idea:also a little bit of superThriv


Active Member
I use AN connouseur and/or Maxsea Bloom (3-20-20) as a base flowering nute and something like Big BUd or something similar for your additive. I'm also trying something called Mother Of All Blooms (MOAB) recommended by the hydro store dude.


Active Member
I forgot to say that florabloom is your base flowering nute. If you stick with that then just add the additive. Also ask the person who works at your local hydro store. More times than most they know what there talking about and won't always take you to the big name products.


bud candy by Advanced,sweet by botannicare comes in different flavors.beastie bloom AN's overdrive.Botannicares hydroplex.Final phase or clearex for flushing.You can combine just use in half and 1/4 strengths.I like bud candy for flavor combined with sweet.Gonna be trying the Humboldt honey next run.


Thanks all for the feed back, i have herd you can make the bud candy with molasis or that was the main ingrediant in bud candy and you coudl just add it to you res and it woudl give same results as bud candy , if so does any one know exactly how to make it i would just need to know how much i woudl use per 5 gallons of wATER