Netflix suggestions

I just finished Wentworth. It was pretty good. It's like Orange is the new black. But actually good. Most accurate description I can say is it's an Australian women's prison drama. I know that sounds stupid as fuck but it's good.
That does sound stupid as fuck but since it was you Ill watch it.

I can't say enough good things about this show. Well written, great cinematography, very funny, and perfectly cast.
I just discovered "Low Winter Sun" on Netflix last night. It's an AMC production and it's set in the underworld of Detroit, MI. It focuses on two cops who murder a third police officer and it kicks off from there as the opening sequence. It's gritty and high-octane, a lot like "The Shield" from FX was. Highly enjoyable.

Oh yes, you might also enjoy 'Kid Cannabis', 'Dazed & Confused', and 'Rolling Kansas'
I just discovered "Low Winter Sun" on Netflix last night. It's an AMC production and it's set in the underworld of Detroit, MI. It focuses on two cops who murder a third police officer and it kicks off from there as the opening sequence. It's gritty and high-octane, a lot like "The Shield" from FX was. Highly enjoyable.

T.V. is boring man. But to each their own
T.V. is boring man. But to each their own

We would definitely have to agree to disagree here! Good TV shows are a rarity and I find them so much more powerful than movies, because the characters and plots are far more fleshed out and emotionally invested in by the writers.

A great example is The Wire. You can't top that show with any movie; if you can make a suggestion to a film you think WOULD top The Wire, I'd definitely be interested in watching it!
"The Last Kingdom" was a good viking show, a little slow to start but its vikings slaughtering Christians lol... Its BBC so you dont have to suffer through horrible fake accents either.

So I got Netflix a few months back and after watching some things I've come to an end and I just cant seem to find anything new...

I've watched and loved house of cards, Marco Polo, Narcos and some great documentaries.

What do you fellas and ladies recommend?

Breaking Bad. Order it now. You won't regret it.
High Profits. It was probably mentioned but I don't wanna go through the thread. Excellent docuseries following dispensary owners in Colorado at the time of legalization.