Net Pot Size & Proximity for SOG Grow

I'm gonna start a SOG grow soon (White Widow, 12 plants, DWC). What size net pots should I use, and how close should place these together for the grow?



Active Member
ideally ebb and flow is the best system for SOG, but if your focused on doing dwc i would try to find buckets approx 8" wide at the top, at least


Well-Known Member
i didnt say it was lacking anything. you can do it if you want i just said i didnt think it was the best way....
its just you dont want the roots growing together and getting tangled cause if theres a problem you will have to worry about injuring your other plants roots or if theres some rot or anything it might spread to the other plants. or if one plant is looking burned but the others arent you cant flush that one plant.... and even if you had them in individual buckets it would be hard to get them close enough for a sog. by all means do it if you want they could grow perfect but if there is a problem.....


Active Member
From my experience DWC sucks because when you do a drain and replenish you have to remove the lid then dump the rez. And besides that checking ph you have to keep reaching in the tub, its just messy and that sucks. It is much easier to have rez seperate from where the ladies live. I have someting similar to a DWC, its more like a recirculating DWC. I have a tub on the floor that is my rez very small water pump (8 bucks) that send the nutes into the top tub where the ladies stay. Then in the top tub i have a hose that drains back to the bottom when it gets to a preset level, air stones are in the top. I also have started to feed the ladies on a timer so that i can get maximum oxygen. I grow a 5 plant scrog so with that screen in there rez changes woulda been impossible. For me its all about finding ways to make this process the most easiest. I am actually looking to go aeroponics and grow sog with 35 ladies in a 3x3 tent, now thats gonna kick some ass.