Well-Known Member
hahahahaha hands down the funnyest post since i found this site .,.,lolololgotta say i was tinkz uz was whistlin dixi too
but if dis be fo realz den mer per to ya
if you really got a nern yeller whippy snappa den uz Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree
some people on here would prolly still bitch if you hung them wid a new rope so dont worry about it
some couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle, some deez critterz bowed up like a Halloween Cat
but all the while day think day ridin' a gravy train on biscuit wheels
but if u for realz tho about dat nern yeller spud then thats Slicker than two eels fuckin in a bucket of snot
but like i said some folks are just[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] colder than a nun's cunt on a ski slope[/FONT]
but never forget If it has tires or testicles it's gonna give you trouble
but at the same time, just because your cat had her kittens in the oven doesn't make them muffins