NeL's 2010 Base Thread contest

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Ok so here we go again in 2010:blsmoke:. Thought we needed some friendly competition here on RIU so I would like to start a contest on who can produce the fatest stalks.

1st rule is there really are no rules, inside or outside doesn't matter, but it has to be grown in 2010.

There will be a "prize" involved.

Feel free to post pics and updates through out the growing season.

Here's one of mine from last season.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
No that was shot today!

I just bought this cheap camera, never set the date.

But I will now, & I'll re-take the pic.

P.S. How about a video?

BakkaLakka SMASH

Active Member
so djj your growing grandaddy purps. me too!!! fucking amazing grower very bushy. mine are in hydroponic atm flowering 4th week or so


Well-Known Member
Ok, I re-shot the pic with a beer bottle this time. And I finally figured out how to turn off the date. What a retard! LOL!

Here you go, June 28,2010! GDP!



