neighbors peeking at my outdoor grow


Active Member
Today i caught the neighbor peeking at my grow i just asked him if he had a problem and he just left i have all my papers on site and for sure my other neighbors know by now also, im in oakland ca, what could i do for security? Theres aready 3 medium dogs on the yard and they do bark at strangers but what other security can i use? I dont wanna end up getting ripped later or getting my potted babies taken


Well-Known Member
People "peek" at our grows here all the time. Now if you saw your neighbor staring at your plants with shears in one hand and a bong in the other, then you might need to worry.


Well-Known Member
Invite them to help trim for harvest time, keep an eye out for you while you are not there, and reward them with a bag of weed.


Well-Known Member
go to harbor freight tools and get the security camera set for 49.99 and set it up to your tv and then you have eyes in the back of your dogs will only bark if there mad or dislike someone so don't let your dogs get to know the neighbors and they will bark at everyone that get's close.. or like the above just kill them and no more peeping tom's


Well-Known Member
If they're not legal, and you catch them recorded on video ripping you off, they could be charged with trespass, theft and possession... trifecta!

On a serious note though, throw up a couple of cameras... make them HIGHLY visible to ANYONE on your property. They don't even need to be turned on if people can see them and know they are being recorded.



Well-Known Member
Just talk to them if they live close enough to see your grow you should get to know them and like another person said they might be cool with it and keep an eye out while your not around or they could be dicks you never know unless you talk to them


Well-Known Member
go knock on his door, talk to him. if hes a dick then youre gonna have to watch out. how long have you known the neighbor?


Active Member
I dont really know them they arent the best neighbors in the world either im just goin to head out and set up a few cameras that way if i get ripped atleast i will know from what side, but my roomate let me know he caught them recording but im not sure what to believe since hes always high


Well-Known Member
If your neighbor thinks that he is allowed to peek in at your outdoor grow, then i think its safe to say that your allowed to look through his window and get a good peek of his wife.


Active Member
Hahaha il stick to putting cameras up last thing i need is more attention ill just see how it goes hopefull the cameras scarem off a bit if not maybe barbed wire around the whole yard too many options but limited budget


Well-Known Member
Hahaha il stick to putting cameras up last thing i need is more attention ill just see how it goes hopefull the cameras scarem off a bit if not maybe barbed wire around the whole yard too many options but limited budget
I was serious, but it wouldn't be wise to have big pets or other family anywhere near said bow spear traps...although they're very easily made with shit that comes off of trees around you and are very effective at stopping those who want to spy - on a more permanent level. Keep this in mind should the neighbor escalate the situation further after you put cams in. I could recommend the Harbor Freight Bunker Hill set.. it's 4 cams.. if light gets too low, it'll switch to infra and you still can see fine. Another feature I like about this set is that if one were to have a smartphone, you can plug your camera system into your internet, and your smartphone can view and edit DVR settings realtime.. and if you get the optional adjustable cameras, you can also tilt/pan/zoom camera specific while not even being home.