neighbors have caught me!!!!

Unless your nieghbors would rob you fuck em frequenting your shed with a big light in it isn't grounds for a search warrant from now on wear a visble pistol on you and they will start minding their own business hahaha go on the offensive. Knock on the door ask them if they got a staring problem. Whatever you do don't tell or show them or anyone for that matter


Active Member
still not busted lol i havnt checked my plants at all 2day...........

why are you all getting lary at me saying i deserve to go jail? im just a person who likes to smoke weed and has had enough of paying 10 pound for 1g shit!!!!

ive obvisly done somthing right if i have nice plants and havnt been caught for all this time........hell i might not even get caught!!!

still my first grow so im still learning, next grow im gna do it indoors lol

i will keep u updated
My first comment on this thread - I don't think folks here really WANT you to go to jail, they are just stating the facts. What you've done or not done up to this point screams lack of forethought when you started your grow. I know a LOT of people grow these days, which seems to make people like you think they are bullet-proof. Trust me - you're not. Everybody on this forum likes to smoke weed - we wouldn't be risking our freedom if we didn't. HOWEVER that doesn't mean you need to be lax in covering up your ops.

Honestly (besides your neighbors), how many people know about your grow? How many friends? How many relatives? Every person that knows about your grow increases the risk of going to jail tenfold.

You say you "haven't been caught all this time", yet you are a first time grower. It takes some cops 6 months just to get enough info on you for a proper search...THAT'S just for suspicion...not counting the fact that you have neighbors that have likely not only seen what you are doing, but smelled it - with a po po as a son!!! When you've been growing for six YEARS without suspicion or a bust, then you know you "must be doing something right".

Honestly, your statement of "I'm going to grow inside now" doesn't bode well either unless you plan on moving. Dude - they KNOW what you are doing now. Bringing it inside is not going to make things all better.

Hope the next thing I read about you ISN'T that you're going to jail.


Well-Known Member
Unless your nieghbors would rob you fuck em frequenting your shed with a big light in it isn't grounds for a search warrant from now on wear a visble pistol on you and they will start minding their own business hahaha go on the offensive. Knock on the door ask them if they got a staring problem. Whatever you do don't tell or show them or anyone for that matter
More brilliant advice. Being a dick to your neighbors that may already be suspicious of you is in no way a bad idea.

Of course by now you may have figured out I'm being sarcastic. If not, I will explain why this is not a good idea. Being a good neighbor is one of the "rules of growing". Keep the lawn mowed, wave and smile, and don't go toting guns around to intimidate people!


Active Member
dude, if ur tryna buy some time, like maybe 4 weeks? switch all ur plants with tomato plants go to ur neighbors and say, "hey u like tomatos? cuz i wanted to let you know im selling organically grown tomatos, there very high quality(then ask if they want to see ur tomato plants)" after that, everytime theyre spying theyll say "hey, how ur tomatos coming along?" and after that, everyone else will believe u have nothing but delicious homegrown tomatos in ur shed.


Well-Known Member
Unless your nieghbors would rob you fuck em frequenting your shed with a big light in it isn't grounds for a search warrant from now on wear a visble pistol on you and they will start minding their own business hahaha go on the offensive. Knock on the door ask them if they got a staring problem. Whatever you do don't tell or show them or anyone for that matter
That is just about the most stupid suggestion we've seen so far.

Confrontation is not the answer. Nor is a firearm. If the OP pulls a bonehead stunt and struts around between house and shed packing a piece, the cop's parents will notify their son that a recently armed neighbor visits his well-lit backyard building several times a day as he has been doing unarmed for some time. They know this because they have had him under surveillance. Cops are not brain surgeons, but they can put two and two together.

Probable cause is not the issue. The issue is flying underneath the radar of law enforcement. Provoke the neighbors and the OP might just find a unit parked in front of his house until the cows come home.

Worst. Suggestion. Ever.


Active Member
go talk to your neighbors and ask them why they keep peeping at you.

If they realize you noticed them they probably wont turn you in because when the cops show up and say "we got a call there was suspicious activity" they will know you know it was their call.

Try to act friendly...maybe theyre just interested in a few bowls :)


Active Member
lol my friend just cut his plants like 3 weeks early coz he wants to start his next grow lol!!!!! he got 54g wet from 2 plants lol

give it 2 more hours and i will bring plants in, keep em in my room over night and trim next day


Active Member
I fail to see how talking to the neighbors is a good idea. If you go over and talk to them about how they were looking at you its just going to make you look more suspicious


Active Member
yeh i dont think its a good idea..... ive never really talked to them, their not my type of people!!!

just randomly goin over them will make em even more suspisous

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet hey zues cut them down trim them and dont hang em to dry in your house. i would seriously consider if your ready to grow your own. your making basic errors that will land you in the booty house.


Active Member
yeh i dont think its a good idea..... ive never really talked to them, their not my type of people!!!

just randomly goin over them will make em even more suspisous
I was thinking the same thing. If you havent really talked to them much in the past dont start now or it would look funny. Especially since they probably have seen you notice them looking out the window at you (I hope that makes sense, Im stoned).

Get em chopped like you plan tonight and tomorrow I would go to the shed with a bunch of shit from the garage, doesnt matter just shit for storage. As you take shit out to the shed take a few things out with you like you are just moving shit around before fall and the hollidays come. You can even bring wrapping paper or whatever out with but unseen and use it to cover up shit to make it look like it's XMas shit, you know boxes and such we all use to store all the holliday crap.

Theres plenty of ways to do this to where it's not obvious. I would try to find somewhere else to dry and cure. IF there is an investigation going on you dont want to be sitting on that bud if they come knocking on the door.

The buds and money arent worth the jail time.


Well-Known Member
they see you but do they know? Serious neo cons? )put up sarah palin poster and a nra membership badge (ok just kidding, kinda). Those pics are glorious and shoot you are this close. What if you cut them down now? Does this mean your throwing it away and going to jesus camp in the morning? Nope, so why not let it go a bit more to perfection? Obviously there are a lot subtle parts in your relations with them we don't know so at this point its damn the torpedoes or tuck and roll under your desk. No one would blame you either way Id say, well no one sane and having been in your shoes. Older conservatives? Bible thumping baptists? HOw bad?


Active Member
ok ive done it!!! they are all inside so 2moro im gna start chopping....... hopefully i dont get caught

thanks for the help guys i appreciate it!!!


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you doing starting a thread asking us what you should do? You will be the one going to jail bro. That shit is stupid. Hope you live alone so your not putting your family in jeopardy of getting thrown on the ground by the cops. I would stop growin all together for a while. Your neighbors may have called already. The cops are checking your account with the electric company for "suspicious activity" like a power surge everytime your lights come on. That is enough for a warrant... But they will watch your house first, FLIR cameras n all. Bet that shed dont have very good thermal insulation, especially at night when its the coldest. It can take up to 9 months for charges to go through, but they will... If your not smart!