guy incognito
Well-Known Member
My mental disorder has a neighbor. He is schizophrenic. So is he.
Yes it is - after he got his ass handed to him by a hooker.hey is that vince from sham-wow? looks like he's been doing more than playin with his schticky! lmao !
Think he'll go again, updated? cngeeez you'd think he'd know how to treat a lady! lmao where'd this happen!? lol, wait till my brother see's this fucken pic he went as vince from sham wow for halloween last year lmao !
Emphatically agree. cnif the apartment manager knows about it and does nothing, maybe it is a real disorder and he is afraid of getting sued. either way, if a tenant is causing a disturbance and being a nuisance he needs to be dealt with. being obnoxious stops being a right when it infringes on other people's peace in a place where people pay to live.
if the apartment manager knows about it and does nothing, maybe it is a real disorder and he is afraid of getting sued. either way, if a tenant is causing a disturbance and being a nuisance he needs to be dealt with. being obnoxious stops being a right when it infringes on other people's peace in a place where people pay to live.
I deal with anger demons daily.In some cases yes. I however HAVE to take antidepressants in order to allow me to have a fuse.
It is an uncontrollable rage, you do not get the option to count to 10. Something happens and it is like a trigger.
The good news is is unless he is just a prick there may be help and I hold him responsible too seek that out rather than abuse the people around him.
i'm intolerant of building managers who don't manage the building and laws that don't provide alternate living arrangements for people who can't or won't control themselves. i would gleefully pay higher taxes if it meant people with mental issues had someplace to stay that actually suited them instead of throwing them in a building full of people who are accustomed to getting rest at night. i lived in the same building with a schizophrenic for years and the cops didn't do anything even as they witnessed him threaten my mother's life in front of their eyes, let alone all the other shit we had to put up with (banging on the ceiling, smashing glasses in the yard, blasting music, constantly banging on my mother's door asking for money, arguing with everyone, etc.) shit was ridiculous. if i did that shit i'd be arrested, but a crazy guy does it and i should be tolerant? the cops thought it was funny. i wanted to kick them in the teeth. the eviction process took 6 months because of his disability and he kept fighting it. it's fucking bullshit, especially knowing he had 3 sisters with good jobs who should be taking care of their own family member if he can't live on his own, not dumping it in society's lap.Please don't be intolerant of people with disabilities.
he yells alot at his girl friend and dogs. and gets real mad at things like not finding his keys for a min to find them in his pocket. that my condition? Well, thanks for bringing it to light, guys...what pills do I take for being a prick?I believe the technical term is "being a prick". cn
mycoxaflopin ? that my condition? Well, thanks for bringing it to light, guys...what pills do I take for being a prick?
LOL this is not funny at all and I didn't not just fall off my chair laughing.. terrible..[video=youtube_share;PsD-XZvYu20][/video]