Negroid Teacher Abuses Student Over Hair..?

He's Russian. It is complimentary considering the other terms he could have used.

I looked I understand the current fashion to call the ex slaves of Africa isolated in north America, generation after generation

as ethnic minorities, in the 2000 census it showed just 13% of the total population aligned with what was called 'black'

as a note their are more British passports owners in the USA than 'blacks'

the largest bi-racial group is the Caucasian/native indians,

as a foreigner looking in, as many do at rui,

you can't but wonder why is there a negroid ethnic on every 'merican tv show

why are the cops killing all these teens

and why do they get such a difficult time by their white neighbors

above all credit to obama for lasting so long

I do have some Cuban buddies one is negroid, is very proud of it, grows great weed

although worked in Africa is very happy to be back home,

I believe both colors of the 'merica are being manipulated by their government and media

good luck
If youre white and you have dreadlocks youre a poser, end of story, Can you waer them yes for sure, does it make everyone think youre a worthless poncer, absolutely.

just curious, but if you're white and have dreads, what are you posing to be? i don't get it. i don't have dreads, shit, i barely have hair, but i don't see how you're a poser if you have dreads and are white, nor what you're posing as.. just curious to your thinking.
just curious, but if you're white and have dreads, what are you posing to be? i don't get it. i don't have dreads, shit, i barely have hair, but i don't see how you're a poser if you have dreads and are white, nor what you're posing as.. just curious to your thinking.

Jorge Cerventes had nice dreds for a while.
just curious, but if you're white and have dreads, what are you posing to be? i don't get it. i don't have dreads, shit, i barely have hair, but i don't see how you're a poser if you have dreads and are white, nor what you're posing as.. just curious to your thinking.

Posing to be like this fellas

And at least here in europe they tend to be smug enough to believe their shit trully smells amazing. Cause you know i got rastas and that makes me cool as FUCK! But thats not important for me at all, its just how i am. Propper peaceful cause of my hairs. you know?
well, in his case, he was posing as a grower.

Met that guy last year at spannabis almost slapped his ugly face. Literally first thing hes told me after i greeted him was ye i got a new book out! Officially a prick. His books could be sumarized in 5 pages and the only interesting part is the breeding section which he doesnt even write.
Met that guy last year at spannabis almost slapped his ugly face. Literally first thing hes told me after i greeted him was ye i got a new book out! Officially a prick. His books could be sumarized in 5 pages and the only interesting part is the breeding section which he doesnt even write.
Posing to be like this fellas

And at least here in europe they tend to be smug enough to believe their shit trully smells amazing. Cause you know i got rastas and that makes me cool as FUCK! But thats not important for me at all, its just how i am. Propper peaceful cause of my hairs. you know?

It is clear this upsets you enough to type out paragraphs and do video searches.