neem or not?


Active Member
Ok, so my white widow is 14 weeks old. 10 weeks in veg, 4 in flowering. she's nice and crystally with buds popping up all over. sounds like heaven right? nope! 4 weeks ago we sprayed her down with neem oil (which we had researched as being one of the best natural insectisides for use on edibles and smokables) after having found what looked like head lice eggs -wee clear/ white single ball(s) on the stem and underside of the plant. not too many tho, so we wern't that worried. after about a week we had noticed a few of the leaves were marked, possible where the oil had sat on the leaves and not dried off properly, but we didn't find any more of those 'egg' type thingys so we were happy enough. just back from my holidays, i went up to see the princess and to my horror there was a wriggly creeper on one of the top leaves. yellowish in colour, not much bigger than the 'egg' thingys, and moving pretty quickly over the top of my plant!!! i'd planned to harvest at hallowe'en which is 5 weeks away but i dont want to harvest a plant full of eggs, nor do i want to smoke bud soaked in insectiside. can someone who has dealt with this problem before please advise as i've almost lost hope. 8 months and 12 seeds later this is the first female we've got and i really hope she's not ruined! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Definately sounds like a spider mite problem...

There are many ways to combat those little fuckers, you'd better get on top of it fast!

Ladybugs are predator beetles, they eat spidermites.

Neem keeps them from being able to lay their eggs, they'll slip off.


Well-Known Member
Sucks man, don't spray in direct light, that'll burn the leaves, probably the spots you noticed.

Another way to kill em off is to rage co2, sufficate them, i think you need to get to the 3000 ppm range in order to do that, never tried.

Did you do any preventitive maintence for pest control, ie prespraying the grow area?

If not I'd recommend prespraying with Avid, or floramite before your next grow, that shit's really pricey though.

Sorry man, spider mites are the spawn of Satan.


Well-Known Member
For your problem, probably the easiest and cheapest solution would be to introduce a shitload of Ladybugs, insect warfare:bigjoint:

Hope this helped ;)

Oh, google spidermite, make sure that's what the little fuckers are. I'm pretty sure it's your problem.


Active Member
Hey man you really need to describe these things better so I can take a look in my book. I'm here to help.:fire:
dude thanks for your efforts, but i went back to the plant to have a good look and i cant find anything. we had already treated her with neem oil you see, and i think that wee thing i found was the last wee trouper. there is no more damage to the plant, and i cant find eggs, mites or otherwise so cheers but i think we're sweet. or at least i hope!


Active Member
For your problem, probably the easiest and cheapest solution would be to introduce a shitload of Ladybugs, insect warfare:bigjoint:

Hope this helped ;)

Oh, google spidermite, make sure that's what the little fuckers are. I'm pretty sure it's your problem.
all that info was helpful and real interesting! cant wait til i'm a veteran in growing lol think the nem's finally kicked in tho. cant find anything anywhere! here's hopin it stays that way for the next three weeks and we're sorted. thanks for your help!