Neem Oil


Well-Known Member
Ok so I bought some pure neem oil to get rid of some gnats. does anyone know the ratio to mix? ie(1tbsp to 1gallon? )
I always got spray bottle of neem oil and misted top soil and leave top and under never found the straight solution hold on a sec my brother works at home depot I will call him real quick
He didn't answer probably busy but I found this for you hope it helps my friend

Neem Oil Amounts For Insect Spray

"For 1 liter of a 0.5 % dilution of neem plant spray you need:

5 ml neem oil
1-2 ml insecticidal soap or other detergent
1 liter warm water
To convert into US measurements:
Five ml make a teaspoon. One litre is roughly a quart

Just multiply these amounts if you want to make a bigger batch. If you want to make a more concentrated batch multiply both the amount of neem oil and the amount of soap used:

For 20 liters of a 1% solution of neem insect spray you need:

200 ml neem oil
20 ml insecticidal soap
20 liters of water
If you have trouble dissolving the oil, use more detergent.

Method For Preparing Neem Insect Spray

Use warm water if possible. If making a large batch make a premix in a small amount of warm water, then add that into the big container.
Mix the warm water with the soap first!
Then slowly add the oil while stirring vigorously.
Fill the mix into your sprayer.
(Or fill the premix into your sprayer, which should already contain the rest of the water. Mix well.)
Keep shaking or otherwise agitating the mix while spraying.
Use the mixture within eight hours.
Additional Instructions

Spray the neem insecticide solution on all the leaves, especially the undersides where insects like to hide. If you have plenty drench the soil around the roots as well. It does not hurt, neem oil is actually good for your soil.

Use your neem insect spray as quickly as possible, definitely within eight hours. Once your batch neem garden spray is mixed the neem oil starts breaking down. Always make a fresh neem insecticide batch for spraying, and only prepare the amount you need.

How often should you use neem garden spray? The suggestions below are general guidelines. Keep a close eye on things and fine tune as needed. If you are worried about sensitive plants, spray just a little bit in a small area, wait for a day or two, and see what happens. If you use insecticidal soap you should not have any problems.

Neem plant spray as a preventative measure: Spray once a fortnight using a 0.5 % solution. This should prevent any insect problems in the first place.

Neem insect spray to fight an infestation: When spraying the first time throroughly drench al leaves and the soil around the plant. Then spray once a week until the problem disappears. If it rains you may need to respray sooner. If you are dealing with a less sensitive insect species you may need to increase the concentration of the neem spray. See how you go."
Yes definitely and I wish you the best of luck all though I don't think you'll need Neem Oil I used on my outdoor crops for a few years and damn it gets the job done even with outdoor some pests
If this question is pertaining to this thread about Neem oil yes PH your water check it remember optimal pH is around 6.5 and of course distilled water or reverse osmosis water usually is best


Well-Known Member
Better way to get rid of those fucks, because they lay eggs in the soil, yes you can spray the soil works some but no where near as good as leaving a bucket of water out in the room it will kill 100 % of them they love water fly in and drown , you will see all those bugs in there in a few days,