Neem Oil


Active Member
I was about to use some chemicals on my 2 week old plants to get rid of what I'm convinced are thrips, but someone told me to use Neem oil instead...

Someone please give me a little more detail about Neem oil... Is it going to harm the plants in any way, like taste or aroma... And where can I get Neem oil from???


green man

Active Member
It Won't Hurt Anything It Is The Most Natural Spay Out There You Can Use It Right Up To 13 Days Into Flowering.


Well-Known Member
neem oil is all organic....

if you were about to use chemicals....why in the hell would you worry about neem oil!!!!?????

i've heard OpenDNS is some bad ass shit!!!!


Active Member
I wasn't really worried about it, I was just asking... And ya, I got some chemicals, but I found some that were endorsed by the American Rose Society, since I figured roses are all about aroma, but I haven't used it.

Where can I get some Neem oil??? Walmart, or like an actual Plant Nursery?


Well-Known Member
its sold at Lowes and Home Depot here in the states, probably any hardware store really.


New Member
My lowes and home depot suck they never have anything. I am hoping with the warmer weather they will stock up! I had to go to 3 stores to buy a bag of perlite!!!!