Most growers buy neem oil and follow the directions on the Bottle.....with horrible results well an old hippie friend helped me out and gave me this recipe many years ago! and it works like a charm. I treat every single cutting in this solution before taking it to my grow room I learned the hard way its better to take care of it on one plant instead of 16!
Also make sure not to touch any plants out doors and then touch your grow room plants think of these bastards like STD's wear protection!
Try this mixture next time
3 cap fulls of neem oil
a drop or so of some soap (just enough for the soap to break up the oil)
mixed in 1 quart of Luke warm water
Spray the tops & bottoms of the leaves
you must make sure the water is luke warm!
If you continue to have problems then you can add some pure 100% lemon oil to the mix only about a teaspoon should do the trick this is a little over kill but does help.
Been using this mixture for awhile now works flawlessly say goodbye Spider mites
The instructions on the bottle are not correct for what we are trying to achieve!
The instructions
1.Use a spray bottle full of this mixture but make sure the liquid is luke warm when you use it
2.Spray the tops & bottoms of the plants (do not miss a spot you will regret it!)
continue with normal water if you mist your plants(dont have to worry about washing this stuff off)
3. Final step wait 48hrs and repeat the whole process this gives time for the eggs to hatch
you have successfully taken out the microscopic terrorist.
You may also fill a bucket with is mixture to dip your plants into if it is easier for you.
I absolutely recommend it if you have a full blown infestation.
Use this recipe and let me know your results!
Also make sure not to touch any plants out doors and then touch your grow room plants think of these bastards like STD's wear protection!
Try this mixture next time
3 cap fulls of neem oil
a drop or so of some soap (just enough for the soap to break up the oil)
mixed in 1 quart of Luke warm water
Spray the tops & bottoms of the leaves
you must make sure the water is luke warm!
If you continue to have problems then you can add some pure 100% lemon oil to the mix only about a teaspoon should do the trick this is a little over kill but does help.
Been using this mixture for awhile now works flawlessly say goodbye Spider mites
The instructions on the bottle are not correct for what we are trying to achieve!
The instructions
1.Use a spray bottle full of this mixture but make sure the liquid is luke warm when you use it
2.Spray the tops & bottoms of the plants (do not miss a spot you will regret it!)
continue with normal water if you mist your plants(dont have to worry about washing this stuff off)
3. Final step wait 48hrs and repeat the whole process this gives time for the eggs to hatch
you have successfully taken out the microscopic terrorist.
You may also fill a bucket with is mixture to dip your plants into if it is easier for you.
I absolutely recommend it if you have a full blown infestation.
Use this recipe and let me know your results!